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Long-Shot 2012 Candidate Calls For OJ Boycott 

Fred Karger, a long-shot Presidential candidate with very little name recognition, is calling for a boycott on Florida orange juice unless the state’s Republican party complies with RNC rules and moves its primary to a later date.

Florida is jeopardizing the most important decision we make as Americans every four years, the election of the President of the United States,” Karger, in a letter to Florida officials, says of the state GOP’s plan to hold its primary on January 31st. “As one of these candidates for President, I cannot sit idly by while the state of Florida threatens the entire selection process.”

Karger, a gay rights activist running as a Republican, notes that he is prepared to launch an aggressive boycott campaign as soon as November 1st.

We have the domain name, have begun developing our web site,” Karger says, adding that he is no stranger to boycotts, having partaken in a 1978 campaign against Florida OJ spurred by singer Anita Bryant’s attempt to repeal a ban on gay discrimination in Dade County.

Florida’s decision to hold an early primary has garnered scorn from national Republicans and has prompted numerous states to move their primary to December.

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