Democrats Brand FAA Reathorization As First Jobs Bill Of New Session
By Rachel Whitt
The Senate this week will began debate on a Federal Aviation Administration spending bill, which Democratic lawmakers say will save or create up to 280,000 jobs.
During a conference call on Monday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said that despite high unemployment and a federal deficit projected to again exceed one trillion dollars, Congress must continue to fund programs essential to boosting the economy.
“While it makes sense to cut programs that are wasteful and unnecessary, we should invest in programs that grow jobs, the economy, and middle class paychecks,” Schumer said. “The FAA bill is exactly the type of investment in our future that will propel our country forwards toward growth and create jobs.”
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) agreed, saying the bill will support a vital part of economic income.
“This is important to expand our nation’s passion of cargo airline capacity.” Reid said, “[Airline cargo capacity] is already responsible for $1.2 trillion of annual economic activity.”
According to the FAA, the aerospace industry contributes 5.2% of U.S. GDP, or $732 billion annually, and passenger and cargo airlines provide nearly 11 million U.S. jobs.
Part of the reauthorization bill includes implementing a new GPS-based air traffic control system, which would make traveling safer for pilots and passengers and would reduce flights delays.
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