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Cantor Defends Repeal Vote, Says Health Care Law Will Drain Budget

By Rachel Whitt

During his weekly press briefing on Tuesday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) defended the decision from House Republicans to vote on the repeal of health care reform.

“Obama Care is an unsustainable bill,” Cantor said. “It will drain the federal budget.”

Cantor dodged questions referring to Americans losing coverage if the health care bill is repealed. According to a Health and Human Services Department report, 129 million Americans could be denied health coverage if the repeal is passed.

When ask about the report, Cantor replied “The bill must be restructured, otherwise it is unsustainable [by the government’s budget].” 

In addition, Cantor indirectly approved increasing the national debt ceiling, which would enable the Federal Government to continue functioning. According to Cantor, the debt limit vote “deals with mistakes of the past” and would be necessary to move towards spending cuts.

If the cap is not raised, the government will not have the funds to perform any daily tasks and will likely be required to shut down.

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