Biden, Boehner Quarrel Over Economic Status
Vice President Joe Biden blasted House Minority Leader John Boehner’s morning economic address after the Ohio Republican urged President Barack Obama to fire the remaining members his economic team, including Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Biden jokingly thanked Boehner for his suggestion saying it was “very constructive advice.”
In his statement, Boehner pushed for the extension of Bush tax cuts and the termination of Larry Summers and Geithner, a measure that Biden said will only result in a repeated debt crisis created by the last administration.
“After all this build up and hype, all we know is what John Boehner and his Republican colleagues are against,” he said. “I don’t know, other than a tax cut for [the wealthy], I don’t know what they are for.”
Biden conceded to the notion that the economy has not made the full recovery the administration is looking for, but said “there’s not any doubt we’re moving in the right direction.”
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