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Israel Has Compromised, So Should Palestine, Says Pro-Israel Analyst

By Brandon Kosters- Talk Radio News Service

Dr. Mitchell Bard, the Executive Director of the American-Israeli Cooperatvie Enterprise, told Talk Radio News that the focus of Tuesday’s meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama should be on “building confidence.”  He said that Obama should affirm that the U.S. will be “backing Israel in its movements towards making peace with the Palestinians.”

In Bard’s ideal scenario, the two leaders would emerge from the meeting “shoulder to shoulder, showing that the United States really remains a steadfast ally of Israel.”

Added Bard, “I think that will be important in sending the message to the Arab world that they are not going to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Israel.”

Bard said “Israel has already made significant concessions and it’s now time for the Arab states and the Palestinians to step up and sit at the table.”

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