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Today At TRNS

Correspondent Tala Dowlatshahi will be covering a briefing by the UN's Democratic People's Republic of Korea Ambassador on the crisis with South Korea

The Washington Bureau Will Be Covering:

-Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the situation in Afghanistan.
Defense Undersecretary for Policy Michele Flournoy; and Army Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the United States Central Command will testify.
-House Energy and Commerce Committee Energy and Environment Subcommittee hearing on "Drilling Down On America's Energy Future: Safety, Security And Clean Energy." Rex Tillerson, chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil; John Watson, chairman and CEO of Chevron Corporation; James Mulva, chairman and CEO of ConocoPhillips; Lamar McKay, president and chairman of BP America Inc.; and Marvin Odum, president of Shell Oil Company will testify.
-House Ways and Means Committee Health Subcommittee and Oversight Subcommittee joint hearing on reducing fraud, waste and abuse in Medicare. Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill.; Rep. Ron Klein, D-Fla.; Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla.; Rep. Scott Murphy, D-N.Y.; Lewis Morris, chief counsel in the HHS Office of Inspector General; Associate Deputy Attorney General Edward Siskel; Kathleen King, director of health care at the Government Accountability Office; and Kimberly Brandt, director of Medicare program integrity at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will testify.
-House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md. holds his weekly pen and pad only news briefing.
-House-Senate Conference Committee meeting on H.R.4173, the "Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act."
-Senator Murkowski (R-Ala.) holds a news conference on oil spill legislation.
-Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas holds a news conference to advocate for more offshore drilling.
-Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass.; Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., hold a news conference to announce the Environmental Protection Agency's economic analysis of the American Power Act.

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