Congressman Apologizes For On-Camera Quarrel
Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.) issued a statement Monday apologizing for a heated on-camera exchange with individuals who identified themselves as students working on a project.
“I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize for all involved,” the statement reads. “No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response.”
The video that prompted the response surfaced Monday morning and quickly gained attention on a number of blogs. It opens with the Congressman being asked on a D.C. street if he fully supports President Barack Obama’s agenda. Etheridge is then seen slapping the camera and repeatedly asking “who are you?” before taking the questioner by the wrist and the back of the neck in a seemingly hostile manner.
The questioner, whose face is blurred out, claims in the video that he is “just a student.”
“I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize for all involved,” the statement reads. “No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response.”
The video that prompted the response surfaced Monday morning and quickly gained attention on a number of blogs. It opens with the Congressman being asked on a D.C. street if he fully supports President Barack Obama’s agenda. Etheridge is then seen slapping the camera and repeatedly asking “who are you?” before taking the questioner by the wrist and the back of the neck in a seemingly hostile manner.
The questioner, whose face is blurred out, claims in the video that he is “just a student.”
Bob etheridge in
Frontpage 3,

Reader Comments (4)
Big Al here. I'm suing anyone who contests my SC election win! I've got the the other AL coming to my defence!
Check out when the congressman twists the kids arm he actually steals his phone from him, see the photos here
2010 06 14
Jack booted college thugs from the Tea Party’s vicious Youth Video Projects department attacked innocent Congressman NC Rep Bob Etheridge (Dem) as he returned from conducting the people’s Pelosi business. Both thugs were able to escape from the victim after the poor congressman was able to overcome and detain one of the assailees for a short time and squeeze a gurgled epithet from the more brawny of the two skinny thugs. The congressman’s friends from the SEIU benevolence league have offered to protect the congressman from future random attacks by sacrificing other people’s rights to assure he is left unopposed in the business of raising taxes for the peoples own good of course. Keith Olbermann was quick to point out the obvious racial overtones that weren’t heard or seen during the altercation. Rosie O’Donnell also commented during her radio show on the blatant anti-gay rhetoric not being uttered during the attack by the pro life Catholic Church mob down the street during a church service. The congressman coming from a Pelosi fund raiser to repeal Arizona’s AB1070, was heard to yell “I have a right to know who you are” and “Vee haf veys ouf making you show zee papers” at the assailants, no admission by the attackers of belonging to any neo-type group was forth coming. After the congressman’s dust up with the hooligans, Janet Napolitano quickly declared the scene safer than it had ever been before and pledged to be even more vigilant for neo-anti taxpayers like these two youths. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the President will withhold any comments about whose @#$% ass to kick for at least a month or two. A full investigation of the assault by the top prosecutors in the US AG’s office has been promised by the US Attorney General. Mr. Holder said funds allocated in the next year’s budget for the persecution of the two youths will require billions to assure the American people this type of freedom of the press or speech behavior by youths running rampant with cameras and microphones cannot continue unchecked. Harry Reid has proposed massive tax hikes on the rich to fund the new legislation.
Superb web site. It was pleasant to me.