Palin Challenges Obama's Oil Spill Response
Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page Thursday evening to lash out at the Obama administration for their response to the massive oil spill off the Gulf Coast.
"If the President really was fully focused on this issue from day one, why did it take nine whole days before the administration asked the Department of Defense for help in deploying equipment needed for the extreme depth spill site?" Palin wrote. "The fundamental problem at the core of this crisis is a lack of responsibility."
Palin's criticism came shortly after the President spoke about the crisis during a press conference.
"I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down," Obama said. "Those who think we were either slow on the response or lacked urgency, don't know the facts."
However, Palin argued that despite the President's claim to be fully engaged, the administration failed to utilize legislation passed after the Exxon-Valdez disaster that gave the federal government ample power to respond to oil spills.
"You get the impression he is continually surprised by the inability of various centralized government agencies to get more involved and help solve problems," Palin said. "His lack of executive experience might explain this."
Palin served as Governor of Alaska for less than one term.
"If the President really was fully focused on this issue from day one, why did it take nine whole days before the administration asked the Department of Defense for help in deploying equipment needed for the extreme depth spill site?" Palin wrote. "The fundamental problem at the core of this crisis is a lack of responsibility."
Palin's criticism came shortly after the President spoke about the crisis during a press conference.
"I take responsibility. It is my job to make sure that everything is done to shut this down," Obama said. "Those who think we were either slow on the response or lacked urgency, don't know the facts."
However, Palin argued that despite the President's claim to be fully engaged, the administration failed to utilize legislation passed after the Exxon-Valdez disaster that gave the federal government ample power to respond to oil spills.
"You get the impression he is continually surprised by the inability of various centralized government agencies to get more involved and help solve problems," Palin said. "His lack of executive experience might explain this."
Palin served as Governor of Alaska for less than one term.
Reader Comments (20)
Palin needs to get her fat a$$ down to LA and help clean up the mess she advocated for.
You ARE an idiot!
Not you Billy.....Ms. Palin.....AN IDIOT!!!!
Dear Miss Palin:
Before blaming anyone else for "taking responsibility" about anything... Can we review the footage of you during the last election season and you ever-present high dollar lecture series that you've been on ever since.
Just how are your family and special needs children doing with mother in-absentia?
A Father As Primary Caregiver
Mr. Obama 'pointed a finger at the Bush administration for allowing the Minerals Management Service to get too close to the oil industry, citing an inspector general’s report on activity before 2007 “that can only be described as appalling.”'*
It's W's fault - again - according to President Obama, and Palin's fault according to you. At what point does Mr. Obama begin to be assigned and accept responsibility for the office he has held for 15 months?
I love how she was backing the Arizona immigration law change while the oil spill was going on which in my opinion needs to be addressed first (don't get me wrong the Arizona thing is jacked up) AND now shes criticizing Obama over the oil when that's what they were trying to fix in the first place. She really needs to get her priories straight. I hope that author that moved in next to her finds some stuff and blows her career out of the water. WHAT A MORON!!!!!
Ok stop trying to get away from the facts that obama yes not capitalized he doensn't deserve it......he has no experience.....give me a good reason to favor obama...
Why does she have to direct her attention to the oil spill first? or the immigration law "(problem) can't mexicans and illegals just become citizens) she doesn't need to do anything she chooses to help and educate the public
I'm not trying to get away form the fact that Obama is not completely qualified, but she isn't either especially when shes not even behind the closed doors at BP or the White House, or even in Arizona for that matter. Maybe she should try and read "all" of those papers that she claims to read.
In defense of Pres. Obama...
"Two or three days after this [spill] happened, we had a meeting down in the Situation Room, in which I specifically asked Bob Gates and Mike Mullen, what assets do we have that could potentially help, that BP or other oil companies around the world do not have? We do not have superior technology, when it comes to dealing with this particular crisis." --Obama, May 27th transcript
In defense of Pailn...
Obama still has not addressed why it DID take nine days before the DoD was involved. In response to a question about why it took so long to get resources in place to combat the spill, Obama was very vague, and defered the question, saying authorities had a difficult time "understanding what the worst-case scenarios could be."
Do I recall correctly, Sarah, it was you who said "Drill, baby drill?" Still want to drill, baby?
Obama is a complete failure. The man is clueless on how to run a government. The lady that resigned or got fired was hired by Obama. The rig was inspected 10 days before it blow-up. The rig was also given a safety award by Obama. Palin lived through an oil spill. Palin took on the big 3 oil companies and put some of them in jail. I would say she has a lot more experience then that phony in the WH. How did the clown handled the flood in Nashville? He is a complete failure and the corrupt MSM is covering for this clown.
Palin has far more executive experience than Obama. Obama is kind of like that deer in the headlights space cadet that has no concept of reality or understands how to be organized just to respond to rudimentary problems. When he becomes overwhelmed he turns to his golf clubs or another vacation to escape his responsibilities. He is a Sad Sack and dangerous all at the same time.
Obama brought Palin into this when he knocked drill, baby, drill. If you want Palin out of it tell the Failure In Chief to get her out of his head. This is not the first time he has attacked her in his telepromter speeches or interviews.
As governor, Palin formed a group to keep a watch on the Oil companies. One thing they did was verified everything the oil companies told them. When BP told Obama that the leak or hole was small he should have had it verified but he was to busy playing golf and doing fundraisers with Senate Boxer and Getty oil.
Palin was governor of an Oil state and 80% of her time was dealing with Big Oil.
I would say she had a lot of experience with big oil and would have had everything they said verified and would have had help on site 24/7 for clean-up.
I think Ms. Palin should keep her mouth shut. What would she do if she had to plug the hole in the gulf? No one really knows how to fix it or it would be fixed by now. She likes to talk and now she is getting paid to talk, yet she really doesn't say anything - except "drill baby drill." She is really bad for our country and she is passing down her ignorance to her children. Shame on Sarah Palin.
I agree with Patricia. Does anyone have a muzzle? She has an EGO problem. But if she had to plug the leak...her head would work!
If I ever doubted Palin's knowledge of economics, I am reassured every time that she opens her mouth and out comes an ignorant statement. Her Husband, Mr. Sarah Palin, worked for the oil companies on the North Slope. Republican Vice-President Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, an oil company out of Dubai. He had secret meetings with officials from Exxon Mobil Corp., Conoco (before its merger with Phillips), Shell Oil Co. and BP America Inc. met in the White House complex with the Cheney aides who were developing a national energy policy, parts of which became law and parts of which are still being debated. He refused to name the attendees or the agenda. Both Presidents George H. and George W. Bush were in the oil business. I am sure that the oil industry was not happy that Obama was elected. Perhaps she should read more than what is on the Fox News tele-prompters.
Day 1: Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion caused by gas bubble.
Day 2: Oil rig burns all day.
Day 3: Rig sinks and Coast Guard reports that oil is leaking, possibly at a rate of 8000 barrels a day. BP deploys submersibles.
Day 4: BP reports that robot submersibles found no oil leaking either from the pipe, the well, or the sunken rig.
Day 5: BP announces that oil is in-fact leaking from the riser pipe, at modest rate of 1000 barrels a day.
Day 6: High waves hamper clean up attempts and winds blow the oil slick over 580 square miles.
Day 9: NOAA announces that the leak is more than 5000 barrels a day based on satellite images. THAT SAME DAY the Military announced their involvement in operations, and the Coast Guard announced skimming and burns of the oil slicks to begin the following day with 79 vessels in the water and 2000 workers.
Day 23: BP releases the first video footage of the leak... footage they've had since day 5. Estimates skyrocket to 25,000-100,000 barrels a day of oil gushing out of the pipe.
Day 38: USGS announces a revised estimate based on the webcam footage of 12,000-19,0000 barrels a day MINIMUM.
It took 9 days for scientists to confirm that BP was lying about the rate of the spill, and the same day Obama jumped into action. How many days did it take for Sarah Palin to notice this "gaff"?
In response to how many days, we heard it was a terrible disaster on day one. The degree of terrible was an unknown which we were aware of. Regardless, there was a 2 part problem: 1. Stopping the leak
2. Containing the spill. This is known on day one.
Day 38 and counting, Obama still has not taken reasonable measures to contain the spill according to experts nor responded to pleading from Louisianna for basic containment measures.