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Immigration Advocates To Obama: Stop Deportations Now! 

By Sofia Sanchez
University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

As President Barack Obama meets tonight with U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) over comprehensive Immigration reform, advocates for the issue called on the President and Congress to stop the deportation of Illegal immigrants until a bill is passed.

Representatives of the Fair Immigration Reform Movement are disappointed with the Obama administration over the number of deportations from the U.S. since he took office.

There have been 387,790 deportations of illegal immigrants under Obama averaging out to 1,000 per day, this number is significantly larger to President Bush's average of 650 deportations per day during his second term.

“Many of us celebrated the historic election of Barack Obama, and believed that this election would bring justice to immigrants and their families,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. “We believed when he promised to fix our broken immigration system. He said he would do this in his first year in office, yet in his first year the Obama Administration has deported 387,000 people.”

The administration is in danger of losing the Latino vote, said Nitza Segui Albino with the National Alliance of Latin Americans and Caribbean Communities. “The Democrats think they have us... they don’t, if you do the right thing you have us, if you don’t do the right thing you don’t have us,” she said.

Pramila Jatapal is the executive director of One America. “We are out of time and out of patience and we are ready to push forward all of the power we have collected in the states across our country to make sure that we really are going to get this change we were promised,” she said.

Reader Comments (11)

Pramila Jatapal, I like her :)

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJesus Calderon.

Immigration reform will not pass. Americans have been, and still are against another amnesty. With so many legal citizens out of work, there is no reason to have millions of illegals taking jobs Americans need. We told Congress in 2007 that we will not accept another amnesty for criminals who totally disrespect the laws of this country. If people cannot abide the our laws and rules, they should be deported. The illegals THINK they have some sort of power in this country but they don't. We don't respect people who enter this country illegally and think they are entitled to everything a citizen is. They are just criminals who break any law they can and mooch off this country. Obama does not have the political capitol to take on this mess. Illegals should just take their families and go back to their own country, or pay the penalty for breaking so many laws.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeje

Americans must speak out now as if our very nation depends on it. Just ponder this, our leaders for 24 years have allowed an invasion of our country by 12 to 30 million people. These people are the dregs of all the nations. We now have the Russian mafia and the Salvadoran MS13 gang. These lawbreaking illegal aliens from all around the world disrespect our laws, culture and people. The largest number of LEGAL and ILLEGAL people coming here in the last 15 years come from Mexico as two groups that are as different as night and day.

In the last 15 years millions of legal immigrants from Mexico have followed their dream to America. They respect our laws, culture, freedom, opportunity and people. They have gladly submitted to extensive criminal background checks and health checks. They have paid $1,000s in fees, proven financial responsibility, agreed to not be a financial burden on our nation, learned English and waited patiently to become citizens of the U.S. and pledge their allegiance to our nation. They are honest, have integrity and good character and are welcome additions to our community.

During the same time millions more have come from Mexico illegally to make more money. They have overstayed visas and stolen across our borders like sneak thieves, disrespecting our laws, culture and citizens. They are anarchists, further breaking our laws by using stolen Social Security numbers, fraudulent identity documents, driving without valid licenses or insurance, lying on I-9 forms and taking American jobs in an unholy alliance with criminal employers. They suck services and tax dollars from our economy and could care less about the very real and very extensive economic damage they have caused to American workers through lost jobs and reduced wages. They are dishonest with poor integrity and tarnished character. They have proven themselves to be unworthy of the most valuable citizenship in the world.

Martin Luther King “a time comes when silence is betrayal.”

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEstoban

We have laws for a reason! Anyone knowingly breaking the law is a criminal and we should not reward them. Does anyone really know what these criminals are costing Americans? Charity begins at home!
The strongest argument I've heard for immigration reform is that we do not want to break up families. To this I say, "Tough!" Why not pardon any non-violent criminal who has a family? Does this make any sense? The vast majority of illegals are from Mexico. Look what they've done to their country! There's nothing left for them there so now they come here to do the same thing to us. Illegals take too many jobs that could be done by Americans who pay taxes. I have an unemployed friend in California who was turned down for a job because she couldn't speak Spanish! Read the Mexican immigration laws and you will see that they do not provide ANYTHING for their immigrants. Even legal immigrants are very limited in their rights. Why should America be the dumping ground for anyone who steps across our border? Let them migrate legally like my Grandparents did. Let them learn the language like my Grandparents did. Let them pay taxes like my Grandparents did. Let them abide by our laws and not break them the minute they step across our border illegally. That is a crime and criminals should be punished, not rewarded!

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSelma Hansen

Those who were deported are Ilegal immigrants, It is the same thing in all countries, when you are illegal you have to leave.Period. These Mexicans have the problem of going to the U.S. illegally and once they are on US soil they begin to claim rights which personally I believe do not apply to them.
In Mexico they deport those people from Central America and other countries who come into their land without documents. So, what is that? The law is the same for everyone.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbenny

I agree that the Hispanic people should do the whole immigration thing correctly, but instead of trying to pass laws to stop it, lets pass acts and bills that will help encourage them to do it the right way. Give them an alotted time to do it if they fail then deport them. But the constitution says all men are created equally, lets show the rest of the world we can actually stand by what we preach, and give these people the opportunity to live in the greatest country in the world. Also something to think about. If it werent for immigration most of the American population would not be citizens today. The only people here would be native americans.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermicky


Illegal aliens are destroying this Country, and one would have to be almost blind not to see this. How much longer do we have to support these illegal aliens? How much longer do we have to school their illegal alien children? How much longer are we going to let them have our jobs? How much longer are we going to put up with all the crime, stolen identities, forged documents, fake green cards? How much longer are we going to allow these illegal aliens to send money out of this Country and bring our Country down? Oh, amnesty will correct all this. WRONG! Nothing will change except we wouldn't be able to call them illegal aliens any more. Let's get rid of these illegal aliens! Let's get them back to their own Country where they belong!

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDelaware Bob

Illegals are not destroying this country. People who are encouraging sinful activities and making them apprear legal are destroying this country. Encouraging sin will eventually bring destruction.
Following the Word of God will bright peace & prosperity to this nation.

March 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchang

Illegal immigrants broke the law and that's the bottom line. Obama does not need illegal votes to properly run this country.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterObey

U.S. is in a terrible $$$ situation due to handouts. The school around the country is in serious deficeits due to illegal immigrants.

Illegal want the benefits of an American yet march around with their native country flags. If illegals love their home land then that's where they should march with their native flags and stop insulting the Americans who work decades for earn a decent retirement and social security.

Illegal means just that illegal. Obey the law and enter by U.S. laws and stop looking for handouts.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterObey

People come to this country for a better life in 99% of the cases. They are even willing to do the work no one else will. Without them our production as a nation and economic output would even (if possible) be more pathetic.

March 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergolden rule

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