Democrats Must Stop "Fanning The Flames" Of Threats Against Congress, Says Cantor
By Monique Cala
University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Thursday that Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tim Kaine and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Chris Van Hollen are making a ‘partisan issue’ out of recent security threats against members of Congress who voted 'yes' to healthcare reform.
“It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political game. That is why I have deep concerns that some, Chris Van Hollen and Tim Kaine in particular, are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon,” said Cantor.
Cantor insisted that threats to Members, such as angry letters, emails or voicemails, should be treated as security issues and dealt with by the appropriate law enforcement officials.
“I am not naive enough to think that letters, statements or press releases will prevent anyone disturbed enough to commit violence, from acting,” said Cantor. “But I do know that such letters, statements and press releases can very easily fan the flames. Enough is enough, it has to stop.”
University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said Thursday that Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tim Kaine and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Chris Van Hollen are making a ‘partisan issue’ out of recent security threats against members of Congress who voted 'yes' to healthcare reform.
“It is reckless to use these incidents as media vehicles for political game. That is why I have deep concerns that some, Chris Van Hollen and Tim Kaine in particular, are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon,” said Cantor.
Cantor insisted that threats to Members, such as angry letters, emails or voicemails, should be treated as security issues and dealt with by the appropriate law enforcement officials.
“I am not naive enough to think that letters, statements or press releases will prevent anyone disturbed enough to commit violence, from acting,” said Cantor. “But I do know that such letters, statements and press releases can very easily fan the flames. Enough is enough, it has to stop.”
Eric Cantor,
Monique Cala,
dnc in
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Reader Comments (1)
The recent threats against Democrats, Dr. Tiller, the holocaust museum shooting, anti-abortion terrorist bombings, church shootings (and that other story that got buried) the IRS building attack in Austin, TX. (look in you community newspaper in Crimes section and see if hate crimes aren’t UP in your locality) I like to call IT Conservative Wacko Terrorism
I can’t believe the REAL news media allows Glenn Beck and the other FOX News puppets to get away with their blatant drive to spread hate speech, Corporate disinformation and warped interpretations of the Bible. I don’t think the American PEOPLE are going to allow public policy to be driven by a bunch of Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin groupies.
FOX News is and ALWAYS has been the propaganda wing of the Republican Party and “Conservative Labyrinth”. But the TRUE impact of these FOX News spin doctors reared it’s ugly head after Barack Obama was nominated the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidate.
The level of lies, tilted reporting, racism and HATE SPEECH coming from FOX News showed their true colors… The really disturbing part of this situation was while all this was going on… The Saudi Royals NOTICED and really liked the way FOX News was able to sway the most ignorant members of American society into VOTING AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS… to become a segment of society SO CONVINCED by propaganda touting their ideological superiority… the target population becomes EASY to CONTROL and MANIPULATE…
or what the Intelligence Community calls PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE!
It’s this kind of ignorance, bias, religious based fundamentalist delusions that drives the Osama bin Lunatic terrorist types or right-wing numbskulls that MISS George W. Bush.
I can prove it… I think ANYONE (even with half your brain tied behind your back, lol) will UNDERSTAND…
WARPED MINDS… a direct result of propaganda
Ohhh, the poor anti-tax fanatic (who owned his OWN PLANE) struck out against the U.S. Government. There’s NO WAY to convince me this Joe Stack III guy wasn’t incited to violence by the Right-Wing Spin Machine. (AM Radio Free Conservative and FOX News) A CONSTANT drone of HATE SPEECH against ANYTHING tax, Obama or Liberal.
Joseph Stack III was a homegrown TERRORIST and the right-wing spin machine was like a Osama bin Lunatic video calling him to murderous ACTION! This maniac used what’s become the universal sign of terrorism since 9/11... A PLANE CRASH INTO A BUILDING
I’ve researched the AM Radio Free Conservative/FOX News propaganda machine and it turns out spokespersons like O’Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc… are working for foreign special interests that want to “divide and conquer” the American PEOPLE.
I’m sure the Saudi Royals (Kingdom Holding Co.) who are now majority stock holders in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp/FOX News, were overjoyed at the news and confident of their long range strategic planning. (destroy America from within)
NOTE: (I can’t believe the hypocrisy of the Conservative reactionaries, some actually DEFENDING this nutcase Joe (the engineer) Stack. If this guy was of Middle-Eastern descent the right-wing would have raised such a stink, pointing fingers at Obama/Biden, Democrats, Liberals for being SOFT ON TERROR!
NOTE: (did you see the video of Ailes, O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck and the rest of FOX news puppets lining up t0 kiss the right shoulder of the Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talai? I especially liked the Saudi sword dance celebrating how they got ignorant right-wing fanatics to VOTE AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS!
…It’s even more sickening than all the hand holding/kissing Bush Jr. used to do at the ranch in Crawford TX. George W. Bush always resembled a smitten school girl ever time he was in the presence of Saudi Royals…
Excepts from “The US Government won’t tax the rich but they’ll SEIZE from the poor”