Tea Partiers Stage "Code Red" Rally Against Health Reform
By Monique Cala and Sofia Sanchez
University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced Tuesday at the Tea Party “Code Red” Rally in Washington, D.C. that Republicans are winning the debate on health care reform.
With the crowd chanting ‘Kill the Bill” in the background, Bachmann called for the Tea Partiers to ‘stand their ground until Sunday’. Pointing to the Capitol behind her, Bachmann said, “They came back to the bubble dome and forgot about you. But, you’re still here.”
On Sunday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he believed in a week the bill would be passed in the House.
Bachmann responded to Gibbs by saying, “It will be past tense all right, because we are going to kill that bill before Sunday... they want you to think they won this, they want you to think it’s over.”
It is widely believed that the bill will be voted on at the end of this week. The Tea Partiers said they will continue protesting against health care reform until that day comes.
University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced Tuesday at the Tea Party “Code Red” Rally in Washington, D.C. that Republicans are winning the debate on health care reform.
With the crowd chanting ‘Kill the Bill” in the background, Bachmann called for the Tea Partiers to ‘stand their ground until Sunday’. Pointing to the Capitol behind her, Bachmann said, “They came back to the bubble dome and forgot about you. But, you’re still here.”
On Sunday, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he believed in a week the bill would be passed in the House.
Bachmann responded to Gibbs by saying, “It will be past tense all right, because we are going to kill that bill before Sunday... they want you to think they won this, they want you to think it’s over.”
It is widely believed that the bill will be voted on at the end of this week. The Tea Partiers said they will continue protesting against health care reform until that day comes.
Reader Comments (31)
I don't think the protest will stop just because they pass this hideous piece of garbage they are calling health care reform. I don't think it will take long before the first lawsuits will be filed, then come Nov they get voted out and hopefully this garbage is repealed. Obama will not get his way after Nov 2010. That will really make him throw a tantrum.
I oppose the healthe care bill now in congress, I plead with you,
I oppose the health care bill now in congress. I pleasd with you, please KILL THE BILL. We cannot afford this plan. We as a nation do not have any more money and certainly will not in the forseeable future.
This piece of excretment should never even be considered by anyone that can read and reason.It's at theleast illegal if not treasonus.
I can no longer respect nor trust anyone supportive of this bill.nuf said
A good bill passes quickly a bad bill lingers and festers like this one ... With each sucessive election They are outta there !! if this passes !!
this bill is horrendous. The forcing of this garbage on the American people is treasonous and will be remembered in November, I guarantee it.
If you watch FOX news, 1000's are expected to mass on Capitol Hill to stop Socialists from taking over America!!! Oh wait, a few hundred show up ... geee... I guess it really stinks to be so out of touch with America. That's OK, keep showing old film of other demonstrations instead of the piddling attempt to "Take back America for true Citizen Patriots!!!!!" Oh wait, no one's listening. That's OK, keep playing it until Beck comes on during the entertainment portion of the newscast.
I guess the Corporate backers of the Tea baggers didn't pay their 'grass roots' enough to get their butts of the couch. Pitiful!
Please vote no on the Health Care bill. This will kill America as we know it for us and for our children and grandchildren.
I am embarassed & ashamed of our present congress..they are not representing the will of the people. We do not want the present health care bill. For the sake of the country KILL the bill.
I think its time to head to Washington DC, We can not let this bill pass, MARCH ON WASHINGTON THIS SATURDAY
Are there any leaders in DC that have the "back bone" to stand up for our Constitution that is being abused by Nancy & friends? How long must we submit to their lunacy?? Vote No! Kill the bill!
I am 72 years old and will face the death squads if this bill passes, but that is not the real problem my grand kids will be in debt paying for this bill
As bad as the debt will be passing laws that violates our constitution leaves us and future generations unprotected from government that abuses power even more than they are now. I regret I ignored what was happening for so long. I am willing to spend time and money now to make my voice heard. I take encouragement from the fact that when Richard Nixon and protesters outside his office he always said he didn't pay attention to them. In his memoirs he admitted it did affect his decision to pull out of Vietnam.
This bill, congress, the President, are all a disgrace to America! America eventually will not be the Land of the Free, but the Land of BIG Government. Have the WILL TO KILL THE BILL!!!!!
This Regime that some Americans put into the White House is not about the American way, no, it's about turning the U.S. into Russia, Canada, France, Venezuela, pick your third world country, These people need to be exiled from this country. If the country they live in now; they believe needs to be like Russia, Cuba, China, I say ship them there and see how they like it.
I for one am a PROUD AMERICAN and am tired of progressives trying to change it. If you don't love it, leave it. Then leave those of us who do love this great nation alone.
This is not about healthcare, this is about expansion of government. The Democrats are leftists and believe in bigger government and will even sacrifice their seats if necessary.
We must continue to flood the Capitol with phone calls. Call all the Democrat House members you can. Don't give up!
Even if the most terrible thing happens - passage of the bill - we must devote our lives to repealing it! In the name of liberty!
Jake Crossland
We will remain diligent and we will defeat this bill and we will clean house in November !
I think this will be the last peaceful siege on Washington if this bill is passed.
I agree with Janet
If this passes in this manner then Cap and Trade will be next. They are marching towards " One Party Rule" and will sacrifice themselves. This is a long term goal, They know they will lose in November and they are not concerned, their eye is on the distant horizon which is getting closer.
Hey "thebob.bob":
You really should stop referring to the Tea Partiers as “Teabaggers”.
As you know, that disgusting and morally offensive term pertains mostly to queers like you and has no relevance with the loyal patriots who will be showing up en masse at Saturday’s festivities to kill that atrocious piece of Obamacare excrement.
Don't know what thebob.bob on 3/16 means, but I'm a tea partier and haven't seen a dime of that corporate $$$$. I expect that I will have a whole lot less $$ and health care and job prospects once the reform which is no reform bill is jammed down our throats. Start over and let's address the real reasons for our crappy health care system.
Everyone who votes for this should be removed from office and tried for treason. They all swore to uphold the Constitution, and are openly trying to destroy it. They work for us and what this bill does in many ways is totally illegal. They can not force us to pay in advance for services they promise in the future. They can not force us to pay period. Yes the system needs fixing, but the government has no business running it. They bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, and could not even run a profitable restaurant for congress. Also, Amtrak has never had one profitable year yet they think they can run our health care system. These crooks do not deserve a dime and should all be in jail.
One irritated, motivated, registered voter.
John R Irvine
March on Washington D.C., and *this time* bring your guns!
March ALL the b*stards out!!