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Biden Takes Jab At Bunning

By Sofia Sanchez- University of New Mexico/ Talk Radio News Service

Vice President Joe Biden managed to take a jab Friday at Republican Senator Jim Bunning (R-Ky.), who recently acted to block a Democratic move to extend unemployment insurance.

“One of the things I am really disappointed in is that right now a single Republican Senator is standing up in the chamber that I worked in for a long, long time filibustering ... the extension of unemployment insurance," said Biden. "If he succeeds, one million people next month will be thrown off the unemployment rolls and into despair.”

Bunning has stated that he is not opposed to the extension in principle, but would like it to be covered through Recovery Act funds. He has come under fire for using profanity while voicing his displeasure on the Senate floor.

The unemployment package was set up to extend unemployment insurance and health benefits for those out of work until April 5th. The Senate adjourned Thursday without passing the legislation. Benefits for many are due to expire Sunday.

“I wish that Senator [Bunning] would think about how that man or woman is going to explain to their kids, how they are going to get by the next three, four, five, seven months,” said Biden.

Biden's remarks came during an appearance with White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag marking the close of first year of the “Middle Class Task Force," which the Vice President has steered.

“The irony here is while we are making progress in the task force, because of a single senator in the United States Senate, ... there is going to be an immediate hurt on a lot of people."

Reader Comments (3)

How about the unemployed get a job? The facts are the longer you provide benefits, the longer the unemployed stay that way. But don't let reality get in the way. Part two, he just wants the money for the extension to come from the giant lack of stimulus bill. Why not? Over half has not been spent.

Go, Bunning Go! Stop the gangsters of the Demoncrat party!

February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMr Man

Mr. Man,
I know you do not have a clue about the suffering that people are experiencing right now, that is the only reason you could make statements like that. My husband has been looking for work for 15 months now, and despite having a Masters Degree is making ends meet by working at cleaning jobs, feeding birds, painting bathrooms etc. to be able to put food on the table for his family. If you think that collecting unemployment allows us to live high on the hog sucking money from you, you are sadly mistaken. By blocking this bill Mr. Bunning has single handedly made it impossible for hard working people to continue to pay their bills and put food in the mouths of their children. I hope you sleep well tonight with your full belly, when there will be people that won't so they can pay their bills and feed their kids.

February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi

Hey "Mr Man" - this unemployed would LOVE to get a job! Speaking as someone who's been looking since October 2008 - that's right, 2008 - I can say with some authority that there is next to nothing out there. And if you happen to be over 50? Fuggedaboutit. After hundreds of resumes with not even a "thank you for your interest" form letter, for any position, not just my own field, I'm still looking. I've networked with people I haven't seen since grade school, I'm on LinkedIn, Facebook, I continue to do the volunteer work in my field hoping to hear of an opening somewhere before two hundred others get their application in before me. I have 47 different resumes and 3 CVs, each one geared to a different job.

Listen slowly: it's not for lack of trying; it's for lack of jobs.

February 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFloretta

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