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1.3 Million Latinos Expected To Lose Homes, Says Civil Rights Leader 

By Sofia Sanchez- University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

1.3 million Latinos are expected to lose their homes by 2011 if Congress does not supply legislation that provides immediate relief to people who are out of work, according to a leader of a prominent hispanic advocacy organization.

“Nearly 2 million Latinos and blacks have lost their jobs since the recession began,” said Janet Murguia, President and CEO of the National Council of La Raza during a conference call with reporters Friday.”Unfortunately the current jobs plans in Congress continue to ignore these disparities and the concerns of Latino voters and bypass the hardest hit communities.”

Murguia called upon Congress to extend unemployment and COBRA benefits throughout the end of the year, fast-track the creation of jobs in the public sector that serve community-level needs and prevent foreclosures.

“We urge members of Congress to seriously consider the ideas in our joint letter and we look forward to working with our friends on both sides of the aisle to pass meaningful jobs legislation this year,” said Murguia.

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