Fair Tax Act Welcomes New Co-Sponsor
By A.J. Swartwood
With long time Fair Tax advocate Rep. John Linder (R-Ga.) retiring, Congressman-elect Rob Woodall (R-Ga.) has been newly selected as co-sponsor of the Fair Tax in the 112th Congress. Joining Rep. Tom Price (R-Md.), Rep.-elect Woodall expressed his commitment to the Fair Tax cause at his official introduction Thursday morning.
“I made a commitment to… introduce the FairTax legislation on Day One in Congress and grow support for this bill to unprecedented levels,”Woodall said. “Congressman Linder set the standard for tax reform with the FairTax, and I am committed to carrying on his efforts.”
The Fair Tax, which aims to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a simple sales tax, has been introduced various times to Congress, but has failed to garner the necessary support. Fair Tax proponents hope that will change with the introduction of the Fair Tax Act when the new Congress begins in January.
“The atmosphere could not be more primed for tax reform,” said Linder. “I am proud to stand with my colleague, Congressman Price and introduce Congressman-elect Rob Woodall as the individual who will carry the torch of the FairTax in Congress. “
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