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Boehner Calls Democrats' Tax Bill 'Chicken Crap'

By Kyle LaFleur

Speaker to be John Boehner (R-Ohio) had choice words for the tax bill on the floor of the House Thursday.

“I’m trying to catch my breath so I don’t refer to this maneuver going on today as chicken crap, alright?” said Boehner in a press conference on Capitol Hill. 

The vote today could potentially extend the Bush era tax cuts for those making under $250,000 a year.  House Republicans have vowed to block the bill, in support of passing one which extends the cuts for all Americans.  

Boehner also highlighted his proposed “CutGo” rule as a potential way to cut Congressional spending.  

“This rule says that if you intend to create a new program, you must also terminate or reduce spending on existing government programs of equal or greater size in the same bill,”said Boehner.  

The incoming Speaker pointed out that if the rule had been in place during a week in September, that half of the 85 suspension bills in that week would not have even made it to the floor.  

Boehner quoted incoming Missouri Senator Roy Blunt (R) who thought that Congress should “turn the activists for big government on each other, instead of letting them all gang up on the American tax payer.” 

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