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Florida Republican Concerned By White House Plan To Wiretap Internet

A Florida Republican is claiming that the Obama administration is “walking a fine line” by pursuing legislation to ease the federal government’s ability to intercept electronic communications.

“The potential for abuses against the privacy rights of all Americans under new wiretapping laws is enormous,” Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fl.) said in a statement Thursday. “While it is Congress’ duty to ensure that our law enforcement officials have the tools they need to combat terrorism and protect national security, it is also our responsibility to provide a check on potential abuses of power and preserve individual freedoms.”

The legislation, which was first repaired in the New York Times last month, will require communication sites like Facebook or Gmail to comply with wiretap orders and ensure that they have the technological capability to do so.

In addition to privacy concerns, Mack warns that these requirements may present unforeseen costs for the industry. 

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