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Poll: Candidates Advocating Clean Energy Have Edge On Competition

By AJ Swartwood - Talk Radio News Service

Recent surveys conducted in states where many of the tightest Congressional races are taking place show that the vast majority of voters support clean energy legislation and the candidates who advocate it.  

Wesley Warren, Director of Programs at the National Resource Defense Council Action Fund, and Tom Jensen, Director of Public Policy Polling, said that their organizations conducted surveys to discover how large an impact candidates’ stance on clean energy reform will have on the outcome of November’s midterm election. 

“When you want to know what voters think…just ask them,” Warren said. “They’ve said they would like their members of Congress to act on energy. They prefer clean energy and are more likely to support, by a wide margin, those candidates who do.” 

In 21 of 23 congressional districts polled, voters said they were more likely to vote for candidates who supported clean energy legislation than those who opposed it. 

It is no secret that American voters will hit the polls thinking about the economy and job creation, but figures reveal that clean energy advocates are making the case that a vote for clean energy is, in fact, a vote for new jobs. 

“Jobs are the number one issue on everyone’s mind… that’s one of the principal reasons to move America toward a clean energy economy is to create those jobs, ” Jensen said.

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