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"Permitorium" Denying Gulf Coast Job Opportunities

Some members of Congress have publicly critiqued the Obama administration’s move last week to lift the offshore drilling moratorium as being a strategic ploy to garner more support for November’s elections. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) is among these Congressmen and said in statement Monday that Gulf Coast jobs remain in limbo, despite the moratorium’s lift.

“Since the moratorium began, over 12,000 people have lost their jobs and, not only is the Administration’s ‘action’ on the moratorium too little too late, a ‘permitorium’ (a moratorium on drilling permits) still exists with no end in sight,” read Scalise’s statement. “Until the Obama Administration lays out a clear path toward the issuing of new permits, this ‘permitorium’ will continue denying people the ability to get back to work even if increased drilling safety standards are met.  The administration needs to stop playing games with the people who work in America’s energy industry, and allow permits to be issued using safer standards that quickly get people back to work.”

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