Highlights From The Reid-Angle Debate
While Thursday night’s debate resulted in few fire works, there were several statements that are worth a second look.
Angle: “I think every state should have a Sheriff like Joe Arpaio, and we should be supporting Arizona instead of suing Arizona like Senator Reid and President Obama have.”
Angle: “I’m a great fan of Ronald Reagan’s, but he had it wrong when he gave amnesty in 1986.”
English as the official language:
Angle said that she would support changing the Constitution to make English the official language. Reid, either speaking figuratively or incorrectly, says that English is already the official language.
Social Security
Angle: “We need to do is make sure that we keep our promise to our senior citizens and make sure that our younger folks have the opportunity to have a personalized Social Security retirement account.”
Angle: “Man up, Harry Reid, you need to understand that we have a problem with Social Security.”
Reid asserts that actuaries have concluded that Social Security is safe for the next few decades.
Health Care Reform
Reid: “We passed health insurance reform because we had no choice…we had to do health insurance reform to maintain competitive in the world economy.”
Angle endorsed repealing the health care reform law in her closing statements.
Angle: “The solutions to the health care cost of insurance – are free market.”
Angle: “The free market will weed out those companies that don’t offer as many choices and don’t have a cost-effective system.
Reid: “My opponent doesn’t like any insurance companies to have to do anything. She’s against mammograms, colonoscopies, and as we’ve heard lately, insurance companies covering kids that have autism. That’s really extreme.”
Reid: Insurance companies don’t do things out of the goodness of their hearts, they do it out of a profit motive and they have almost destroyed our economy.”
Reid: “We need them to be forced to do mammograms.”
Federal Reserve
Both candidates said that they would support an audit
Financial Collapse
Angle: “We have to investigate what caused the problem in the first place.”
Reid: “Well, we do have a commission.”
Job creation
Reid: “My job is to create jobs. What she’s talking about is extreme.”
Angle: “Harry Reid, it’s not your job to create jobs.”
Supreme Court
Reid names Scalia as a Justice he admires, Angle goes for Clarence Thomas. Angle asserts that neither Kagan nor Sotomayor understand the Constitution.
Reid: “The legislation on the Senator floor didn’t say we’re going to get rid of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, it said that a Republican Secretary of Defense, appointed by President Bush, along with President Obama, would have to certify that it would do no harm to our troops only after the report by the Pentagon came down.”
Angle: “That’s the wrong way to do legislation, just like when Nancy Pelosi said that we should pass the bill and then read it. We should be looking at that review before we make bills based on that review.”
Department of Education:
Reid: “Ronald Reagan had an idea when he first came to office, ‘maybe we should try getting rid of that.’ When he left office, he knew it was the wrong thing to do. Some of the best programs that we have at the Department of Education, were initiated by Ronald Reagan.”
Angle: “The Department of Education has been around since the early ‘80s, late ‘70s, and since then the quality of our education has diminished year after year after year.
We would be so much better off taking our Tenth Amendment rights, just the way that Arizona did with illegal aliens, and just the way that Missouri did with Obamacare. We need to take our Tenth amendment rights, put that education as close to the local level as possible where parents and teachers make the policies.”
Angle on offer to Scott Ashjian
Angle: “What I offered was the access to government that all people want when they have a representative in the U.S. Senate. They want to know that when they come to Washington D.C., they will be heard. They want to know that when they request a town hall meeting, that they will be heard.”
Bush Tax Cuts
Reid: “I guarantee everyone that there will be no increase for middle class people in America. No tax increase for middle class America. We have to see what we are told by the experts, what we should do with the people who make more than that.”
Angle: “With voting for over 300 tax increases Senator, we can’t trust you with our taxes.”
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