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Sajak Questions State Employees' Voting Rights

Pat Sajak, host of Wheel of Fortune, questioned in a National Review Online blog Tuesday whether public employees should be given the right to vote in elections or if this creates a conflict of interest.  The game show host pointed out that family and friends are not allowed on to his show because of a real or perceived conflict and even his children’s school teachers are excluded. 

“So should state workers be able to vote in state elections on matters that would benefit them directly? The same question goes for federal workers in federal elections,” said Sajak in the blog, “I’m not suggesting that public employees should be denied the right to vote, but that there are certain cases in which their stake in the matter may be too great. Of course we all have a stake in one way or another in most elections, and many of us tend to vote in favor of our own interests. However, if, for example, a ballot initiative appears that might cap the benefits of a certain group of state workers, should those workers be able to vote on the matter?”

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