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Rahm Steps Down, Rouse Steps In

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel stepped down from his position Friday to run for mayor of Chicago, leaving his deputy, Pete Rouse, to assume his duties until a permanent replacement is found.

Delivering the announcement from the White House East Room before an audience filled with cabinet members and other familiar administration officials, President Obama applauded Emanuel’s political skills and acknowledged the key role he played in fulfilling the White House’s agenda.

“It’s fair to say we could not accomplish what we accomplished without Rahm’s leadership,” said Obama.

The President praised Rahm’s interim replacement as a “skillful problem-solver” and acknowledged the distinct differences in the two’s personalities.

“Pete has never seen a microphone or TV camera that he liked,” Obama joked, noting the stark contrast with Emanuel’s highly charged mannerisms.

Rouse had served as a Senior White House adviser and was the Chief of Staff in the office of then-Senator Obama.

Friday’s announcement follows months of speculation over Emanuel’s next career move. Rumors that the Chief of Staff would return to his home state of Illinois were thrown into overdrive last month when current Mayor Richard Daley announced that he would be retiring after six-terms.

While Emanuel did not explicitly state that he would be running for Mayor, he noted that he looked forward to facing “new challenges” once back in Chicago.

“I’m … eager to see what I can do to make our hometown even better,” Emanuel said.

Emanuel, the administration’s first Chief of Staff, was reportedly a reluctant addition to the President’s circle. After serving three terms in Congress and ascending to the rank of Democratic Caucus Chairman, Emanuel was widely believed to be on track to the Speakership, a personal goal of his.

“It was a great sacrifice for Rahm,” Obama said. “Rahm gave up one of the most powerful positions on Capitol Hill to do this.”

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