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Obama Sends Health Care Reform Message To College

By Justin Duckham-Talk Radio News Service

President Barack Obama held another in a series of health care rallies late Thursday morning, this time tailoring the health care reform message for college students.

“A lot of you here today and a lot of young people gave their time and their effort to this campaign because you believe America can still do great things,” Obama said to the heavily college aged crowd at the University of Maryland. “I may not be the first President to take up health care reform, but I am determined to be the last with your help.”

The President addressed the heated tone taken by opponents of Obama’s plan in recent months, describing their proposed solutions to the health care crisis as the “same old, same old.” However, Obama did note that tort reform, which has been pushed heavily by Republicans, was an idea worth considering.

“I’ve heard a lot of Republicans say they want to kill Obamacare. Some may even raise money off it. But when you ask these folks what exactly my plan does they have it all wrong,” Obama said.

Obama once again defended the notion of a public health care option, denying that it was a form of “government takeover.”

Obama also discussed education issues, noting that Congress would soon be voting on student loan reform.

“Because you voted for change in November, we’re going to bring change to the House of Representatives today,” Obama said.

At one point an excited student yelled out “I love you, Obama.”

“I love you back,” Obama replied.

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