Town Hall Healthcare Protests Are "Amusing"
Special interest groups, conservative talk radio and big businesses are to credit for recent uprisings that have occurred at town hall meetings across the country, said Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) on Thursday.
“I want fair and balanced information being shared at these meetings,” said Brown, who claimed that he was amused by the protests.
During the past week, members of both the House and Senate, from Steve Dreihaus (D-Ohio) to Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), have been confronted by inquisitive constituents who have been able to turn the forums into chant-filled debates. Democrats in Congress have responded by labeling them as mobsters.
Brown argued that town hall participants who have disputatiously engaged their elected officials are victims of a misinformation campaign led by anti-Democratic groups. Brown claimed that the campaign has extended from opposing healthcare reform to questioning President Obama’s citizenship.
“Special interests are trying to shape this bill....trying to decimate the public’s not just drug and insurance companies, but they’re a big part of the resistance.”
Brown said he’s not surprised by the opposition, described by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week as an “astroturf” movement, disingenuously created by organizations such as Freedom Works, which is led by former GOP Congressman Dick Armey.
“They always have their way with Republicans,” joked Brown.
Brown also addressed concerns from liberals that the Senate may pass a healthcare bill without a public option, an item President Obama has demanded be included in reform. The Senate Committee on Finance, led by Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) is considering stripping the public option from the bill in an attempt to appease Republicans and moderate Democrats.
Brown divulged that he has spoken to Baucus numerous times of late, but said he isn’t pleased with how negotiations are going in that committee.
The Senator said that he’d be “very disappointed” in voting for a bill that doesn’t include a public option, but stopped short of calling it a make-or-break deal.
“I’m unwilling to say that if the public option isn’t it in, I’ll vote against it.”
Brown also questioned why President Obama hasn’t vocalized more support for a single payer insurance system, which critics argue a public option will create.
“I want fair and balanced information being shared at these meetings,” said Brown, who claimed that he was amused by the protests.
During the past week, members of both the House and Senate, from Steve Dreihaus (D-Ohio) to Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), have been confronted by inquisitive constituents who have been able to turn the forums into chant-filled debates. Democrats in Congress have responded by labeling them as mobsters.
Brown argued that town hall participants who have disputatiously engaged their elected officials are victims of a misinformation campaign led by anti-Democratic groups. Brown claimed that the campaign has extended from opposing healthcare reform to questioning President Obama’s citizenship.
“Special interests are trying to shape this bill....trying to decimate the public’s not just drug and insurance companies, but they’re a big part of the resistance.”
Brown said he’s not surprised by the opposition, described by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week as an “astroturf” movement, disingenuously created by organizations such as Freedom Works, which is led by former GOP Congressman Dick Armey.
“They always have their way with Republicans,” joked Brown.
Brown also addressed concerns from liberals that the Senate may pass a healthcare bill without a public option, an item President Obama has demanded be included in reform. The Senate Committee on Finance, led by Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) is considering stripping the public option from the bill in an attempt to appease Republicans and moderate Democrats.
Brown divulged that he has spoken to Baucus numerous times of late, but said he isn’t pleased with how negotiations are going in that committee.
The Senator said that he’d be “very disappointed” in voting for a bill that doesn’t include a public option, but stopped short of calling it a make-or-break deal.
“I’m unwilling to say that if the public option isn’t it in, I’ll vote against it.”
Brown also questioned why President Obama hasn’t vocalized more support for a single payer insurance system, which critics argue a public option will create.
Reader Comments (12)
BIG DEAL: So what if protests are organized? SCLC and ACORN have been doing this for years!
WE ARE SO SICK and tired of being sick and tired. It has gotten so bad that my wife and I have decided we will live within my income only. God knows it will mean no airconditioning, etc. That way, we'll be paying fewer taxes! That's less $$$ for Congress! Protest their healthcare DE-form!
WARNING: is apparently a tracking device to track opponents of Obummer care. My malware system caught it, and when I run the program, it is cleared up. So don't try to use that site to lodge your protest! ironic is it that a President with a background in community activism is trying to extinguish passionate Americans who demand to be heard??? So what if they are organized? How many protests have been orchestrated by SCLC and ACORN.
***Find out who your Congressmen/women are with just your zipcode at and email them.
***Attend the Townhall meetings! This is deadly serious, fellow Conservatives. We have to prove that WE are still in charge.
Liberals use AD HOMINIM ATTACKS rather than arguing the MERITS of an issue. They start charging racism or class elitism which serves to deflect the argument away from the issue being discussed.
SENATOR MARTINEZ is REPUBLICAN. He previously served as Sec. of HUD under Bush.
Unfortunately, Martinez was one of nine Republican senators to vote in favor of Sonia Sotomayor's appointment to the Supreme Court.
BREAKING NEWS: He has announced he is resigning before his term is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coward.
Black Brother Herman Cain.........See what THIS black brother has to say about the proposed healthcare.
You just might learn something!
Gallop Poll found Congress' job approval rating had dropped to 14% in July, making the current reading the LOWEST CONGRESSIONAL JOB APPROVAL RATING IN HISTORY in the 34-year Gallup Poll history.
"Special interests are trying to shape this bill"? Well, yeah! I have a special interest in my wife who may have terminal cancer and my elderly mother who will probably need end of life care in the near future!
"President Obama has demanded" WE THE PEOPLE demand he get in line with what WE THE PEOPLE want his Highnass to stay out of private matters.
Tell Senator Brown if he votes for the any Healthcare bill, he will be shortly Mr Brown and unemployed like the 16% of all Americans. We need to start a recall petition to recall Senator Brown before he can do more harm to America.
The drowsy sheeple are waking up and we are beginning to see that our own government is no-longer representing it's majority of people and has been steadily stripping our rights away. Soon, we will not be able to criticize our own government. This is not a democrat versus republican issue. It is now about the ever expanding government presenting tyranny to it's own people. I hope for everyones sake, that our elected officials stand up and do the right thing for once, instead of using SEUI and Acorn thugs to control the meetings and not let the vast majority's word be heard.