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Reid Rails Against Republican's Protest

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) chastised the efforts of conservative protestors to disrupt town hall meetings, arguing the movement was not grass roots, but 'astro-turf,' a point he punctuated by holding up a small strip of the artificial grass.

"They are doing this because they don't have better ideas," Reid said during a pen and pad session with other members of the Senate Democratic leadership Thursday. "They're taking their cues from talk show hosts, internet rumor mongers...and insurance rackets."

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) claimed that the protestors were more interested in garnering attention than genuinely contributing to the health care reform debate.

"[The protestors] don't care about you, they care about YouTube," Durbin quipped.

Reid accused the Republican party of deviating from the mainstream, pointing to the popular "birther" conspiracy and the growing influence of right-ring talk show hosts.

"It's not often you try to blow yourself up, but that's obviously what [the Republicans] are trying to do," Reid said.

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