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Latest International Atomic Energy Agency report says Iran should follow the rules

United Nations nuclear inspectors or IAEA, released their latest report today on Iran's nuclear program. The report claims Iran is enriching uranium with about 300 fewer centrifuges than the almost 5,000 operating at the time of the last report. Nonetheless, this latest report underlines Iran has increased its nuclear facility development with over 7,000 new installation machines.

The IAEA is under severe pressure from Western nations, namely the United States, to declassify intelligence reports on Iran's nuclear activities. It is evident, the United States is trying to build a stronger case for new sanctions against Tehran. Recent reports have indicated that Iranian officials are gravely concerned about air strikes against their nuclear facilities and are pressuring the United Nations to forbid any attack.

The report emphasizes IAEA officials do not buy into the belief that Iran is being transparent about its nuclear ambitions. Iranian IAEA representatives have expressed serious concern about the latest report and claim the IAEA is undermining Iran's credibility. Recent election protests have decreased the government's legitimacy worldwide and saddled officials with hundreds of ongoing trials, arrests, complaints of rape in prison and a growing opposition movement.

The nuclear disarmament issue remains a top concern for United States officials.

Deputy National Security Advisor, Mike Froman slipped into UN headquarters this week to meet with the UN Secretary-General and Dr. Susan Rice, the US Ambassador at the UN.  The meeting was set up apparently to discuss tightening Iranian sanctions and that country's failure to reign in its nuclear ambitions.

"Iran also still refuses to respond constructively to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) questions about its past work to develop a nuclear weapons capability," said Ambassador Rice earlier this year.

Six party talks on Iran's nuclear program are being set up for September 2nd. The United States, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia will meet to discuss the IAEA findings and to come up with a strategy to get Iran to fully suspend its enrichment-related activities in order to avoid further economic sanctions.

And on September 24th, President Obama is set to lead a Security Council debate with the central goal of nuclear disarmament. Clearly, recent North and South Korean missile launches have rekindled the desire to put an end to the global production of nuclear arsenals.

"We hope to receive more than a Presidential statement from that meeting. We need a resolution reaffirming the goals of states to a nuclear free world" said Randy Rydell, from the UN Office of the High Representative for Disarmament. According to Rydell, this Security Council session, led by a US President, has never been tried before.

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