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Obama Responds To Health Care Reform Rumors 

President Barack Obama attempted to quell rumors arising from the health care reform debate during a town hall meeting held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday, saying that although he respected those who had disagreements, there has been a great deal of misinformation.

“Where we do disagree, let’s disagree on things that are real,” Obama said. “Not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that’s actually been proposed.”

The President defended the public option, denying that it signaled a government takeover of the health care system.

“I do think that having a public option...would keep the insurance companies honest,” Obama said, explaining that the public option would provide a reasonable model that insurance companies could mimic in terms of cost.

Obama stressed that while he wanted action that would provide coverage for as many Americans as possible, he has not been pursuing a single-payer plan.

“For us to transition to a system like that I believe would be too disruptive,” the President said. “A lot of people who currently have employer based health care would find themselves dropped and they would have to go into an entirely new system that has not been set up yet. I would be concerned about the potential disruptiveness of that kind of transition.”

Obama also dismissed rumors of “death panels”, a term picked up by Conservatives such as former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to describe government officials who would decide whom to provide coverage for under a public system. The President said that the rumors emerged from an amendment in one of the drafts of health reform legislation that sought to expand medicare coverage to include consultation for end of life treatment, such as hospice care or drafting living wills.

The President also attempted to mitigate fears over the government rationing health care, stating that rationing is currently occurring through private insurance companies declining coverage.

“You will have not only the care you need, but the care that right now is being denied to you only if we pass health care reform,” Obama said.

Obama poked fun at some of the more colorful rumors, pointing to the conclusion from various news outlets that the White House’s request for the public to send them rumors they have received via email was secretly the means through which to collect an enemies list.

“Come on, guys,” the President mused.
In recent weeks, the debate over health care reform has reached a fever pitch, with raucous crowds haranguing public appearances by members of Congress. However, the President stated that reform would nevertheless be passed by 2009.

Reader Comments (5)

President Obama’s heath care promises won’t be kept. Costs will rise exponentially, NOT fall. Therefore, our taxes will be the ones to pay for it. We need to support the goal of covering all individuals through private health insurance. We are NOT prepared to turn our health system over to the government. .

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterm l d

[...] Obama Responds To Health Care Reform Rumors – Talk Radio News ServicePresident Barack Obama attempted to quell rumors arising from the health care reform debate during a town hall meeting held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday, saying that although he respected those who had disagreements, …Talk Radio News Service –|||Running [...]

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It sounds like people are picking certain parts of the proposed health plan and understanding them to mean whatever suits them.

August 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTechnology

Obama's Health cae plan is just what we need. Don't be fooled by these "BIG" and often loud voices who insist big business mainly (Insurance Companies) know whats best for you. They claim to looking out for you when point in fact is all they have done is keep raising your health care costs. (THEY) have been in the business of making money for years and see this reform as a stumbling block to that end! The Chant "It will cost you more! Government is going to take away your choice!" is a tired old scare tactic meant to frighten people. The real truth her is simple: "just when did the government become the enemy?? We the poeple not We the Insurance Companies, The Special interests & The people."

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCharles

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