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White House Gaggle

Thursday Night's Beer Summit: 
There was some lighthearted discussion about what kind of beers will be served and which American beers would be served. The bottom line is that many beers will be offered, including those that have been requested by the participants. The President doesn't have a formal agenda. After having talked to these "good and decent" men on the phone he will foster a dialogue. Gibbs said that "we're not here to mediate apologies" and that "the President has said he chose his words poorly and did not have full information." The President will not announce anything tonight.

Health Care:
Clearly the Blue Dogs got some of their legislative concerns dealt with. In response to how people will be able to purchase health insurance under the plan, Mr. Gibbs said that Congress is focused on "moving the process forward" and that the question was "fast forwarding." He said The President was keeping it open to something that matches his goals. When asked about the liberals' concerns, Gibbs quoted Robert Frost and said "we have miles to go before we sleep". He said true reform means cutting costs, reforming the ways health insurance companies do business and offering affordable and accessible health insurance to those that don't have it. The President is hoping to have final passage in the fall. On the question about being hurt by the ultra right with "Harry and Louise" style ads, Mr. Gibbs answered that many of the phrases from sixteen years ago and 44 years ago today (anniversary of Medicare) are tried and true. There are people, he said, that are invested in keeping the status quo in health care. Gibbs also said there is far more focus on the process and less focus on the substance. 

Signing an Executive Compensation Bill:
Gibbs said that there may be concerns that the government would set salaries.

Mid-East Peace Talks:
Senator Mitchell is on his way back and that there is hope that all parties will very soon return to the table. 

Other Schedule:
The President will participate in "The Nation Level Exercise" with operational and communication protocols. More info on the DHS website press release date July 24th.

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