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Animal Cruelty Creates Lust For Violence In Society Says Democrat Moran

Cruelty to animals creates a lust for violence in society said Rep. James Moran (D-Va.) Monday. Speaking at a rally organized by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to promote animal protection legislation, Rep. Moran said HSUS lobbying would hopefully lead to the "ending [of] needless suffering, senseless violence."

"When we become desensitized to suffering it creates this almost lust for violence. It kind of gets ingrained in society and kids growing up think this is okay," Moran said. "Ultimately it adversely effects all of us, our quality of life, our security, who we are as a community of good people."

"This is what America needs to be about. Not the commercialization of everything, not seeing every living thing as how I can make a profit from it," he added.

Moran argued that there are loopholes in certain laws that have led to inhumane treatment of animals in the U.S.; Particularly, a nation-wide requirement that only products priced over $150 must contain the label "made from fur."

"This is about consumers having a choice. It's a moral decision if someone wants to buy fur. This is a free country, they can do that if they want," Moran said. "At least give them the information so that they can make the decisions based upon the facts."

Moran was joined by actress Ginnifer Goodwin and the president and CEO of HSUS Wayne Pacelle in addressing HSUS members who had spent the day lobbying Congressmen and Senators for tighter animal protection laws.

Goodwin praised the HSUS for sparking her interest in animal rights, and urged them to continue being persistent.

"As long as we keep sharing there will be a mass domino effect." Goodwin said "And only good can come of that."

Pacelle said that it was essential for the HSUS to take its fight to Capitol Hill in order to effect change and be considered a serious movement by the rest of the country.

"All of the social movements that really make progress to the point of being treated seriously in the world have to have their issues debated in the Capitol," Pacelle said.

He added that it is the duty of Congress to pass legislation that would protect animals due to an imbalance of power between humans and animals.

"We hold all the cards, we control their destiny," Pacelle said. "We need standards. We need laws to hold everyone in society accountable to these standards."

Reader Comments (3)

I am a Democrat and an animal lover. I have been involved if opposing extremist animal rights (AR) legislation for some years now. From my experience the HSUS and Peta have the same agenda and my disgust for the Democrats that are sucked into their propaganda is growing with the more I learn about these two animal rights groups.

America had better begin to learn about the real agenda of animal rights because these AR groups are leading us down the garden path. See the websites:, and

Many of my friends that are also Democrats and have been involved in this fight are as disillusioned with our political party as I. Many of them have already left the Democratic party and re-registered in another party. I plan to do the same. The sooner these delusional Democratic legislators are introduced to the unemployment line -- the better.

July 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

kids growing up thinking violence is ok. look at all the games they play on there tv. how many abuse animals compared to the violence they play?

July 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwayne

I work at the HSUS and it's clear to me that the humane treatment of animals crosses party lines. Our organization works with Democrats, Republicans, Independents and others. Compassion and kindness aren't about political affiliation.

August 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHillary

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