Dems Must Show Public That They Are Fiscally Responsible, Say Blue Dogs
By Laura Woodhead - Talk Radio News Service
The Democrats must convince the public that they are fiscally responsible on health care Blue Dog Democrats said Wednesday.
Members of the coalition spoke at a press conference following the successful passage of the Democrats 'pay as you go' legislation, which if passed by the Senate, will require Congress to secure funds for new projects by cutting spending from other programs.
"We can pass health care in a fiscally responsible way and make it deficit neutral. It has to convey that to the American people," said said Rep. Baron Hill (D- Ind.) "We have got to get back on the message that we are fiscally responsible here. Quite frankly we have lost that message but we are going to get back on track."
Hill said that the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), was ready to roll up his sleeves in order to make sure that the bill left his committee as soon as possible while also remaining deficit neutral.
"We are making progress, albeit slowly" Hill said. "I am optimistic that we can get something done sooner rather than later."
Rep. Charles Stenholm (D-Texas) said that although the bill did not go as far as he would like to have seen, it was a step in the right direction.
"To all of those who criticize this bill: This is only the beginning," Stenholm said. Anyone who thinks this bill will solve all our fiscal problems does not understand the depth...of the problems we have."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-M.D.) commended the Blue Dogs for their work on the legislation.
The Democrats must convince the public that they are fiscally responsible on health care Blue Dog Democrats said Wednesday.
Members of the coalition spoke at a press conference following the successful passage of the Democrats 'pay as you go' legislation, which if passed by the Senate, will require Congress to secure funds for new projects by cutting spending from other programs.
"We can pass health care in a fiscally responsible way and make it deficit neutral. It has to convey that to the American people," said said Rep. Baron Hill (D- Ind.) "We have got to get back on the message that we are fiscally responsible here. Quite frankly we have lost that message but we are going to get back on track."
Hill said that the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), was ready to roll up his sleeves in order to make sure that the bill left his committee as soon as possible while also remaining deficit neutral.
"We are making progress, albeit slowly" Hill said. "I am optimistic that we can get something done sooner rather than later."
Rep. Charles Stenholm (D-Texas) said that although the bill did not go as far as he would like to have seen, it was a step in the right direction.
"To all of those who criticize this bill: This is only the beginning," Stenholm said. Anyone who thinks this bill will solve all our fiscal problems does not understand the depth...of the problems we have."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-M.D.) commended the Blue Dogs for their work on the legislation.
Blue Dogs,
Laura Woodhead in

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