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« Sotomayor Confirmation Liveblog Day 4 AM | Main | Clinton Seeks To Boost U.S. Foreign Aid, Realign Global Governance »

Today At TRNS

Senior Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Goodman Tamboli is covering the fourth day of confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor. He is Twittering at and liveblogging at

The Washington D.C Bureau will be covering the following events:

- Reps. Cantor and Tom Price on economy, stimulus and health care.
- Speaker Nancy Pelosi's weekly news conference.
- A Senate Environment and Public Works Committee full committee hearing on "Ensuring and Enhancing U.S. Competitiveness while Moving toward a Clean Energy Economy."
- A House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on "Chinese Interrogation vs. Congressional Oversight: The Uighurs at Guantanamo."
- House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Domestic Policy Subcommittee joint hearing on "Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How Did a Private Deal Turn Into a Federal Bailout? Part III" with former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson testifying.
- The Project on Government Oversight; and the Constitution Project Discussion on "Congress vs. the President: The Scope and Limits of Congressional Oversight Powers."

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