Today At Talk Radio News
Our Washington, D.C. Bureau will be covering the following events:
-D.C. Mayor, Police and FBI to hold briefing on the shooting at the Holocaust Museum.
-Hearing by the House Financial Services Committee on "Compensation Structure and Systemic Risk."
-Hearing by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on "Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How Did a Private Deal Turn into a Federal Bailout?"
-Event at The U.S. Chamber of Commerce to "expose the impact of the Buy American provisions in the recently-passed stimulus package and discuss similar provisions in the legislation pending in Ottawa and Washington."
-News conference on the dangers of burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.
-Third Annual Conference on "Striking a Balance: A New American Security."
-Conference call on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
-The National Religious Campaign Against Torture's news conference to "urge President Obama to Create a 'Commission of Inquiry' on Torture."
-Pen and pad session of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
-D.C. Mayor, Police and FBI to hold briefing on the shooting at the Holocaust Museum.
-Hearing by the House Financial Services Committee on "Compensation Structure and Systemic Risk."
-Hearing by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on "Bank of America and Merrill Lynch: How Did a Private Deal Turn into a Federal Bailout?"
-Event at The U.S. Chamber of Commerce to "expose the impact of the Buy American provisions in the recently-passed stimulus package and discuss similar provisions in the legislation pending in Ottawa and Washington."
-News conference on the dangers of burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan.
-Third Annual Conference on "Striking a Balance: A New American Security."
-Conference call on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
-The National Religious Campaign Against Torture's news conference to "urge President Obama to Create a 'Commission of Inquiry' on Torture."
-Pen and pad session of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Today at TRNS in
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Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for the useful info. It's so interesting