Pelosi: It's Been A Good Week
By Courtney Ann Jackson
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) didn’t fly solo at her weekly press conference held Friday. She was joined by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) and U.S. Rep, Christopher Van Hollen (D-Md.). Pelosi said they decided to combine her weekly press conference with “wrap-up” for the first five months. She said many times that this has been a “good week.”
“It was a good week on the energy policy. It’s also been a good week as week protect the environment; a good week as we protect the consumer, the tax payer and the American people, in general, in terms of their national security, ” said Pelosi.
Pelosi also said that legislation on issues such as housing, credit cards and saving the tax payers money were passed during the week that all “protect the consumer.”
Hoyer said the 111th Congress has made “tremendous strides to create jobs and get the economy back on track.” He closed by saying that he and Pelosi considered themselves to be a “close team” that is carrying out the promise of change that the “American people voted for.”
Although Pelosi and the other Democratic leaders wanted to discuss the new direction that the administration is taking with the main topics being energy and the economy, she was still asked a question involving the CIA issue. Hoyer attempted to pull Pelosi away from the podium as the question was being asked but she instead insisted on hearing the question.
Pelosi’s response was, “I have made the statement I’m going to make on this. I don’t have anything more to say about it. I stand by my comment.”
She said she would not let the issue distract her and would rather continue on the course of bipartisanship and bettering issues like jobs and health care instead.

Reader Comments (5)
it's always a good week when you can lie your head off, get caught, keep lying, then make a shambles of trying to cover up your lies, and then get a pass from the president and house; party doesn't seem to matter- nixon with watergate, clinton with bimbos- pols always think they can get away with it- and looks like this time they will again; nice system
I just wonder where the outrage is. The media is biased, Her boss makes her look like miss sunshine, and the new 'gestapo in america' is alive and kicking! It's these people who warp american tradition and values. People can moan and groan, but as long as the far left keeps serving up the kool-aid and these lemmings keep drinking... See you in the food line.
In November 2010 hopefully voters will remember a vote for any Democrat in the House is a vote for Nancy Pelosi.
There is nothing better than watching Pelosi lie about her lieing.
She is laughable, but it is sad she is in the leadership role she is in.
I hope the voters remember the great speaker Pelosi the liar.