Today at Talk Radio News
Today at Talk Radio News Service, Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner will be covering the White House. The Washington Bureau will be covering Timothy Geithner's testimony on "Addressing the Need for Comprehensive Regulatory Reform," and a Communications, Technology, and the Internet Subcommittee hearing on "Oversight of the Digital Television Transition." Additionally, we will be covering the GOP unveiling of the Republican budget alternative, Senator Dorgan introducing a national energy security act, and Representative Walsh presenting an energy efficiency initiative. The bureau will also attend the U.S. Military Land Power Senate Armed Services Committee Airland Subcommittee hearing on the current and future roles, missions, and capabilities of U.S. military land power, as well as hearings on S.661, the "Restoring America's Manufacturing Leadership through Energy Efficiency Act" and "Enhancing Investor Protection and the Regulation of Securities Markets.” Also, we will be attending a House Agriculture Committee hearing on Obesity in the U.S. and Speaker Pelosi’s weekly press conference.
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