Helping Prisoners Re-enter The Community Successfully
By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service
The House Appropriations Committee held a Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee hearing today on “What Works for Successful Prisoner Re-entry.”
Speaking before the committee were Representative Danny Davis (D-Ill), Professor James Byrne, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Jeremy Travis, President of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Chairman Alan Mollohan (D-WV) said: “It’s becoming more and more apparent that effective reentry programs are the key to reducing recidivism and the strains on our communities and prison resources associated with recidivism.”
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) asked the witnesses whether there was “any other country that is doing something really great, that we’re not aware of?”
Professor Byrne suggested looking at the model used in the Republic of Ireland. “I went to a prison in Dublin last year...I was amazed by the work programs...there was 320 people in the prison and every one of them had work and a job, they had a job training program there. The first thing I noticed was the one to one ratio of inmates to guards, I was shocked at that.”
Mr. Travis expanded on this point stating: “America stand apart from the rest of the Western world, worse, in terms of our levels of incarceration, how we treat people while they are in prison and the approach to reintegration.” Mr. Travis suggested that America look at reintegration strategies used in the United Kingdom and Germany.
Congressman Davis said: “Half the people in prison are due to drug related crimes.”
Talking about what should be done now Mr. Travis said: “We don’t link drug treatment, we should make sure that people who have drug addiction and are coming back home, that they go to the head of the list rather than the back of the list for drug treatment. Why do we send someone home and tell them to wait five months for drug treatment, when we knew what date they were coming out and could have planned it so they’d have the continuity at this high risk period.”
The House Appropriations Committee held a Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee hearing today on “What Works for Successful Prisoner Re-entry.”
Speaking before the committee were Representative Danny Davis (D-Ill), Professor James Byrne, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Jeremy Travis, President of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Chairman Alan Mollohan (D-WV) said: “It’s becoming more and more apparent that effective reentry programs are the key to reducing recidivism and the strains on our communities and prison resources associated with recidivism.”
Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) asked the witnesses whether there was “any other country that is doing something really great, that we’re not aware of?”
Professor Byrne suggested looking at the model used in the Republic of Ireland. “I went to a prison in Dublin last year...I was amazed by the work programs...there was 320 people in the prison and every one of them had work and a job, they had a job training program there. The first thing I noticed was the one to one ratio of inmates to guards, I was shocked at that.”
Mr. Travis expanded on this point stating: “America stand apart from the rest of the Western world, worse, in terms of our levels of incarceration, how we treat people while they are in prison and the approach to reintegration.” Mr. Travis suggested that America look at reintegration strategies used in the United Kingdom and Germany.
Congressman Davis said: “Half the people in prison are due to drug related crimes.”
Talking about what should be done now Mr. Travis said: “We don’t link drug treatment, we should make sure that people who have drug addiction and are coming back home, that they go to the head of the list rather than the back of the list for drug treatment. Why do we send someone home and tell them to wait five months for drug treatment, when we knew what date they were coming out and could have planned it so they’d have the continuity at this high risk period.”
appropriations committee,
wolf in
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