38,000 + signatures against Arizona Sheriff brought to DC
by Christina Lovato, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
“All I want to do is except these petitions, welcome you, advise you that the Department of Justice has an investigation going on surrounding activities in Maricopa County and guess what, your not the only ones that have a sheriff that needs to be investigated in this country.” said Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) at a press conference to present a petition of more than 38,000 signatures calling on the Department of Justice and Homeland Security to investigate Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s alleged civil rights abuses.
Arpaio has 2,700 lawsuits filed against him and this month the House Judiciary Committee called for the Justice Department to conduct a federal investigation on Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's enforcement tactics.
Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) expressed that the sheriff's tactics are examples of police power and are a violation of federal law. Nadler said, “In 2009, in the United States, we simply cannot tolerate such patterns of discrimination and denial of due process. Sheriff Arpaio’s malicious and vigilante practices are not immigration enforcement.” stated Nadler.
“We carry the burden of being stuck with this man but it is not an Arizona problem, this is a national disgrace...It can’t be tolerated.” said Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.). Grijalva said he never supported the 287(g) program which trains local officers to enforce immigration law. “Put it in the wrong hands, it becomes abusive, discriminatory, and breaks the law and that's what happened here...That particular program, the worst case scenario was in front of you and that Sheriff Arpaio.” he said.
Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, said that the 287(g) program is the Bush Administration’s failed experiment to outsource federal responsibility and expressed that the change we all voted for last November will soon bring order to the broken immigration system. “We must turn the page and we must together restore the nation’s promise for life, liberty and for the pursuit of happiness for all.” concluded Alvarado.
“All I want to do is except these petitions, welcome you, advise you that the Department of Justice has an investigation going on surrounding activities in Maricopa County and guess what, your not the only ones that have a sheriff that needs to be investigated in this country.” said Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) at a press conference to present a petition of more than 38,000 signatures calling on the Department of Justice and Homeland Security to investigate Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s alleged civil rights abuses.
Arpaio has 2,700 lawsuits filed against him and this month the House Judiciary Committee called for the Justice Department to conduct a federal investigation on Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's enforcement tactics.
Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) expressed that the sheriff's tactics are examples of police power and are a violation of federal law. Nadler said, “In 2009, in the United States, we simply cannot tolerate such patterns of discrimination and denial of due process. Sheriff Arpaio’s malicious and vigilante practices are not immigration enforcement.” stated Nadler.
“We carry the burden of being stuck with this man but it is not an Arizona problem, this is a national disgrace...It can’t be tolerated.” said Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.). Grijalva said he never supported the 287(g) program which trains local officers to enforce immigration law. “Put it in the wrong hands, it becomes abusive, discriminatory, and breaks the law and that's what happened here...That particular program, the worst case scenario was in front of you and that Sheriff Arpaio.” he said.
Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, said that the 287(g) program is the Bush Administration’s failed experiment to outsource federal responsibility and expressed that the change we all voted for last November will soon bring order to the broken immigration system. “We must turn the page and we must together restore the nation’s promise for life, liberty and for the pursuit of happiness for all.” concluded Alvarado.
287 (g) program,
Congressman Jerrold Nadler,
Congressman John Conyers,
Congressman Raul Grijalva,
Homeland Security,
House Judiciary Committee,
Maricopa County,
National Day Laborer Organizing Network,
Pablo Alvarado,
Sheriff Joe Arpaio,
civil rights,
department of justice,
immigration in

Reader Comments (24)
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Thank heavens for Sheriff Joe Arpaio! Can we clone him and get a copy here in Nevada? Somebody needs to enforce the law, and stem the tide of illegal aliens invading our country, polluting our political processes and raiding our treasury.
Joe Arpaio for President!!!
The signatures from illegal aliens do not count so that should leave about fifty.
Someone needs to verify that those signitures are legitimate.
Local and federal agencies should be doing more to close the door on the Mexican Menace "Hispanic,Latino/Latina/Chicano BS"
One country, one language, and one set of laws. One law that all of us follows. Not special interest groups that believe thay are above the law.
Wasted billions of dollars to feed non citizens and school their kids when our on citizens and veterans get absolutely nothing. It's beyond disgrace to keep pandering to third world politics of screaming uneducared children.
Joe for head of Homeland Security. Napalitano says the cartels haven't come into this country yet and just this morning Obama said, "we aren't ready to militarize the border yet." Why don't you ask one of us who live in Texas, Mr. President?
The leftofascist Congress is now seeing to what extent it can create a Police State in America.
the corrupt Reid/Pelosi regime must go.
"Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, said that the 287(g) program is the Bush Administration’s failed experiment to outsource federal responsibility and expressed that the change we all voted for last November will soon bring order to the broken immigration system. “We must turn the page and we must together restore the nation’s promise for life, liberty and for the pursuit of happiness for all.” concluded Alvarado."
It's amazing how people are so eager to make statements that essentially proclaim "I am a moron".
Clueless Mr. Alvarado apparently is unaware that 287 (g) was enacted during the CLINTON administration.
Napalitano says the Mexican drug cartels haven't come into this country yet??? Then what's this report about...specifically page 5 where there's a map showing Mexican drug cartel presence in the U.S.? Funny how this is a report that was submitted to Congress.
Napalitano either has her head up her *** or she is purposely putting innocent U.S. citizens' lives in danger. My guess is it's a little of both.
Check out the report and be enlightened. And Arapio for head of Homeland Security...someone who actually loves our country.
Heck, If the Arizona REconquista establishment gets their wish, just send Joe to Johnson County, Kansas... We're full of illegal aliens in the Kansas City area and the local law enforcement stooges do nothing to enforce immigration law even if Americans are being killed, raped and robbed.
We need more lawmen like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Maybe he should run for President. He'd certainly be more effective thant the Kid from Kenya.
"Grijalva said he never supported the 287(g) program which trains local officers to enforce immigration law."
Well of course he hasn't. He is an anarchist.
Nadler is a pro-amnesty extremist (with a grade of F- on this from NumbersUSA)who doesn't know what he's talking about.
The Great Sheriff Joe Arpaio is upholding the laws without regard to race or ethnicity, and the vast majority of Americans support him.
We want our immigration laws enforced NOW and NO "comprehensive immigration reform" a/k/a AMNESTY that would destroy American workers.
Get involved now. Join NumbersUSA.
Mass Deportations or Civil War
Congessman Raul, "I never met an illegal that shouldn't be legal" G. should run for the Mexican congress. He's already doing their work for them. He's a racist Mecha member Mexican supremist that believes allowing millions of uneducated poor third world meso american peasants is a good thing. I guess it is if you want the USA to look like Mexico. Problem is, most of us don't. One has to wonder about those that re-elect him that also have the same loyalties to Mexico.
CALL the House Judiciary Committee 202-225-3951 - express your support for Sheriff Joe Arpaio - request the hearing be canceled. Sheriff Arpaio is not violating civil rights laws, he is enforcing the law.
WRITE the House Judiciary Committee express support for Sheriff Joe Arpaio - ask that your lettter be entered into the official record for the Sheriff Arpaio hearing. Sheriff Arpaio is not violating civil rights laws, he is enforcing the law.
Hon. John Conyers Jr.Chairman
House Judiciary Committee
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
EMAIL the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee - Hon. John Conyers, Jr. Sheriff Arpaio is not violating civil rights laws, he is enforcing the law.
I think the citizens of this country need to start their own petition to give credit to Sheriff Joe for being one of the few people actually enforcing our laws.
The only ones that are complaining about Sheriff Joe are the open borders zealots that don't want any of our laws enforced against illegal's. We have to stop re-electing these people because their only allegiance is to Mexico.
Why is a foreigner Army from Mexico allowed to exist in the U.S.
and stick people like Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) in office
We Americans are sick of this crap!
Go Sheriff Arpaio! We love you!
Millions of Americans will sign petitions to counter Mexican
God I am so sick of traitors like Grivalja, Conyers, practically all of the Democrats and a good number of republicans. Sheriff Arpaio is a United States law enforcement officer, sworn to protect the laws that the U.S. citizenry have found proper to establish. The ACLU, racist ethnic interest groups and phony politicians of all kinds are nothing but lawless, and criminal agents to this nation. The are toxic and corrupt to the core, but would try to accuse Sheriff Arpaio of being so.
Thank you Sheriff Arpaio. You are a true hero!
Sheriff Arpaio is another of our decent representatives of law and order and truth, who has been subjected to numerous and on-going outrageous attempts at character assassination by the racists, illegal alien promoting organizations who are hell-bend on destroying our U.S. Constitution and ending our U.S. sovereignty. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been continuously berated and belittled by these disgusting and dangerous illegal alien, drug cartel, Anti-U.S. Constitution, scoundrels, who make suspect claims
of representing illegal immigrant's "so-called" civil rights. They are sham "civil-rights" organizations representing criminal illegal aliens and racist latin American interest and boosting profits for those for those specific illegal alien supporting "charitable?/non-profit?!" groups who can only stay in business if the illegal alien populations of Mexico and Central America continue to flood across our southern borders. What would the "Immigration Lawyers" do if they didn't have a growing and continuous numbers of illegal aliens to represent? Again the majority of those "Immigration Lawyers" are also being paid via your and my taxed dollars!!! I would much like to see all of the "Illegal Alien Industry" organizations be bankrupted and never see them whining and raising their ugly, arrogant banners again. If these "Illegal Alien Industry" organizations are not soon eliminated and off the public dole or our tax dollar then you and I can be certain that despite the current government created "housing crisis" those of us who bought what we could afford, will continue to see our property taxes rise the max allowable amount every year in order to pay for the education and health care for the increasingly expensive "Cheap Labor" population and their multiple millions of children. Your taxes and mine will increase in every conceivable and inconceivable manner, with even more of your tax dollars going to pay for the "Cheap Labor" illegal aliens and their never ending production of anchor babies, being popped out to insure themselves more give-away goodies dished out by our insane U.S. Government Welfare Czars. The United States has never before seen this type of "child production-farming" which is common amongst the "Cheap Labor"/llegal aliens. I can promise you that you doubters out there in "LaLa" land would be shocked at the illegal alien baby production going on for the last decade. And keep in mind these mothers get all their hospital pre-natal, birthing and after care and most other health procedures for free! Yes, YOU and I are paying for their very expensive hospital care. Astonishing Insanity!
The Mexican illegal alien enablers: MENCHA, LA RAZA, ACORN, LULAC, to name a few of the more prominent groups; Along with the dictatorial and shameful Catholic Church, and Fascist faces and spokespersons in the U.S.(?) Chamber of Commerce, plus, of course, the herds of politicians both Democrat and Republican blowhards who instead of serving U.S. CITIZENS, and "genuine" U.S. taxpayers, are actually via their agendas and programs, whether intentionally are not, kowtowing to Mexico's cartels and crooks, assorted thieves and swindlers and bottom feeding sleaze balls. You can thank the theiving crooks and gangsters at the Federal Reserve, the ominous World Banking crime cartel and the Council on Foreign Relations zombies for much of our current lousy economic state of affairs and the ongoing open border insanity.
Thank You Sheriff Arpaio! Like many of the other posters here I can say, without a single doubt, that every State and every community would much desire to have a good, strong, brave man like you acting on their behave as their Sheriff. Due to your excellent character and the wonderful service and representation that you provide for your Arizona community, many of we citizens in other parts of our United States still cling to some semblance of life in our future resembling the Republic and the freedoms which our intelligent forefathers dreamed into reality and realized in our magnificent U.S. Constitution.
Ah...the cries of the forgotten. What happened to 2006? You remember. When the general public actually cared about illegal immigration. You remember the heydays of Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck. Guess things don't look so hot for your lot. LOL -> "Mass Deportations or Civil War"! HAHAHAHAHA! Let me know when you wake up from your fantasy land! HAHAHAHA!
You might be the one that is going to wake up note2selfSays. You must be oblivious to all of the laws that States are writing to get rid of illegal aliens at this moment. There are last time I counted, around 27 who are very serious about it. The general public is extremely aware of what's going on. Just because 38 thousand traitors have signed something, doesn't mean much. Millions of Americans are sick of the crap, but you can dream on , it's still a free country.
Now, more than ever, we need to call for an investigation into elected/appointed officials who are paid by our tax dollars to represent Americans yet spend the majority of their time working on behalf of LaRaza, MEChA, MALDEF and other illegal alien groups and those who are sworn to uphold our laws and Constitution (Conyers, Menendez, Gutierrez, Lofgren, Nadler, Napolitano, Kennedy, Specter, Schumer, etc.)who blatantly violate both their sworn oath of office and our laws. After we get them removed from office it is then time to call for a full investigation into anti-American groups such as all mentioned above, the Southern Policy Law Center, the ACLU, and ACORN. Our tax dollars pay their salaries and organizations, such as LaRaza, shakedown both the government and big businesses in order to further pursue their anti-American agenda. It's time to cut off every cent that goes to those who are most intent on destroying this country and time to remove from office those who enable them.
What Kathleen says is so absolutely true. There isn't a day that goes by that some so called "elected leader", Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Conyers, Napolitano(wow, how secure do Americans feel with her etc. etc.) isn't pandering to the interests of illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens. I once read a post in which the blogger said that the elite in this nation are replacing Americans by "electing a new citizenry,", and that is why illegal immigration is allowed. I don't know if this is true or not, but the effect will be the same, once the American citizenry is overwhelmed by foreign nationals.
[...] “We carry the burden of being stuck with this man but it is not an Arizona problem, this is a national disgrace…It can’t be tolerated.” [Talk Radio News] [...]