Pentagon Update On Fort Hood Shootings
At 1934 Zulu, there will be a moment of silence to reflect the carnage of the shootings at Ft. Hood. All military personnel will comply even those overseas.
The Army is sending support personnel to Ft. Hood. This includes 13 Ministry Teams, 35 Life Consultants, 13 Behavioral Therapists, 17 Critical Health Specialists and 5 Combat Control Teams. A muslim cleric is part of the Ministry Team.
A general biography on the shooter will be released later today.
The Army CID is currently heading the investigation but the FBI may take over the investigation.
Commanders of all military installations are looking at there Force Protection Procedures.
The shooter was not confirmed dead or alive for 4 hours yesterday. This was due to the fog and friction of the situation.
The Army will be releasing details of the investigation as they see fit to do so.The Army, Pentagon and other investigative bodies will not be releasing any information until they feel ready. Day to day details of the official investigation will not be given.
The shooter had never been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. He was in a deployment window.
An Army ballistics team is currently at Ft. Hood putting together a timeline of the type of weapons used as well as when and where.
The Army is sending support personnel to Ft. Hood. This includes 13 Ministry Teams, 35 Life Consultants, 13 Behavioral Therapists, 17 Critical Health Specialists and 5 Combat Control Teams. A muslim cleric is part of the Ministry Team.
A general biography on the shooter will be released later today.
The Army CID is currently heading the investigation but the FBI may take over the investigation.
Commanders of all military installations are looking at there Force Protection Procedures.
The shooter was not confirmed dead or alive for 4 hours yesterday. This was due to the fog and friction of the situation.
The Army will be releasing details of the investigation as they see fit to do so.The Army, Pentagon and other investigative bodies will not be releasing any information until they feel ready. Day to day details of the official investigation will not be given.
The shooter had never been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. He was in a deployment window.
An Army ballistics team is currently at Ft. Hood putting together a timeline of the type of weapons used as well as when and where.
Fort Hood,
ft. hood in
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