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Pelosi Gives High Praise To Senate Abortion Language

Travis Martinez - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

During her weekly press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lauded abortion language in the Senate’s health care bill on Thursday.

The Senate bill, which was posted online Wednesday night, grants the secretary of Health and Human Services to decide if federal funds will be allocated for those who obtain insurance from the public plan. It would also require that private insurers split premiums from subsidies used to pay for abortion coverage.

“We have all agreed on all sides of this issue that we would maintain the status quo. There will be no federal funds for abortion,” said Pelosi. “I think the Stupak Amendment goes beyond maintaining the status quo. I’m pleased with the language in the Senate bill. I think it’s pretty clear that no federal funds will be spent on abortion,” she added.

The "Stupak Amendment" in the House bill would ban elective abortions for those covered by the public health insurance plan and would prohibit private insurers to offer abortion coverage to those who receive federal subsidies for health care premiums.

“I believe there is plenty of common ground to be found to do that [maintain status quo]... Conversations continue, and we will find common ground,” said Pelosi.

The Senate is expected to bring its bill to the floor for debate this Saturday.

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