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Frank: Allow Parental Interment Alongside Fallen Soldiers 

By Meagan Wiseley - University of New Mexico/Talk Radio News Service

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) introduced the Vet Parent Burial in National Cemeteries Act today. The legislation would allow the parents, or single parent, of a deceased veteran to be interred in a national cemetery in a plot owned by that deceased veteran. This amendment came before the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee.

Denise Mansfield, the mother of fallen soldier Army Spc. Corey Shea, testified. Her original request for an exemption to this amendment was denied. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Frank both attended Shea’s funeral, and have asked for this legislation to be passed.

“The last thing a parent needs while stricken, as he or she may be, with this terrible tragedy is to have to then deal with red tape,” said Frank.

Frank’s amendment to the bill states that “If the Secretary determines there is enough space in open national cemeteries, the parent of a person...who at the time of the parent’s death, does not have a spouse, surviving spouse, or child who has been interred, if deceased, would be eligible to be interred in a national cemetery.”

“The disproportion between what this country owes her and what she’s asking is just as large as can be. She’s lost her son,” Frank added.

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