House Democrats Oppose Census Amendment That Questions Citizenship
By Leah Valencia, University of New Mexico- Talk Radio News Service
House Democrats teamed up with the Tri-Caucus Thursday to speak against a measure that would require U.S. Census forms to include a question inquiring if the subject is a U.S. citizen.
The Tri-Caucus, which is comprised of the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus, joined with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, claimed the question would hinder the accuracy of the census.
“It would lead to an inaccurate count...what officials need to know is how many people live and where do they live... and they make critical decisions based upon that,” Hoyer said. “We need an accurate account to distribute federal money fairly, and to ensure none of our communities get short changed.”
The amendment was proposed by Senators David Vitter (R-L.) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah) to a Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill. The amendment would freeze Census Bureau funds if the census does not include the citizenship question on more than 425 million forms before the count begins in April.
“We expect for the Senators to vote down this amendment, particularly our Democratic Senators,” Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Rep.Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.) said. “This is insane, there is no other way to describe it.”
The Representatives also argued that with the date of the census only 160 days away, any changes would be especially costly. Currently 425 million of the questionnaires have already been printed.
House Democrats teamed up with the Tri-Caucus Thursday to speak against a measure that would require U.S. Census forms to include a question inquiring if the subject is a U.S. citizen.
The Tri-Caucus, which is comprised of the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus, joined with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, claimed the question would hinder the accuracy of the census.
“It would lead to an inaccurate count...what officials need to know is how many people live and where do they live... and they make critical decisions based upon that,” Hoyer said. “We need an accurate account to distribute federal money fairly, and to ensure none of our communities get short changed.”
The amendment was proposed by Senators David Vitter (R-L.) and Bob Bennett (R-Utah) to a Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill. The amendment would freeze Census Bureau funds if the census does not include the citizenship question on more than 425 million forms before the count begins in April.
“We expect for the Senators to vote down this amendment, particularly our Democratic Senators,” Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Rep.Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.) said. “This is insane, there is no other way to describe it.”
The Representatives also argued that with the date of the census only 160 days away, any changes would be especially costly. Currently 425 million of the questionnaires have already been printed.
Reader Comments (1)
Sen. David Vitter-Bennett has been offering an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill that would require the U.S. Census Bureau to add questions regarding immigration & citizenship status of 20 to 30 million plus illegal immigrants and families in the 2010 decennial census. If these questions are not asked it is certain that--ALL--these illegal aliens will be counted in the census and states will lose billions of dollars in federal funds to states infamously designated as SANCTUARY STATES such as CALIFORNIA and gain Congressional seats (and electoral college votes) due to this counting of illegal aliens.DEMAND FROM YOUR SENATORS THAT SEN. VITTERS’ AMENDMENT BE INCLUDED. Only citizens and permanent residents should be counted. Just may be citizens and legal residents should--abstain--from being counted in the 2010, if the Democrats insist in illegal immigrants who broke our sovereignty laws. California--A SANCTUARY STATE -- taxpayers have already suffered enough from there incompetent state--JUDAS--politicians, who sold them out to open border lobbyists catering to millions of illegal immigrant families. That's why the once beautiful state is sitting on the edge of monolithic insolvency, for supporting foreign nationals with government welfare benefits. Only--Sanctuary State are the ones who demanding that their huge populations should be counted, because they are in desperate need of money from Washington. This is because of all the financial damage the illegal alien occupancy has produced in their states. Politicians have all but committed treason by giving preferences to foreign nationals over bona-fide citizens and sincere legal residents.
Call and blast your Senators and Representative at 202-224-3121 in Washington. Overwhelming the switchboard with your calls, as it is having an outstanding effect of--MILLIONS of angry voters. THEY ARE BEGINNING TO LISTEN AND REACT? INFORM THEM DO YOUR DUTY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES ON RE-ELECTION DAY? Tell them you want a PERMANENT E-Verify for--EVERY WORKER, a secure double layer fence and--REAL--enforcement against sanctuary state policies. Read undisclosed facts, statistics and lawmakers immigration enforcement grades of politicians at NUMBERSUSA. UNEARTH the corruption in government at JUDICIAL WATCH. Your voice is needed to halt OVERPOPULATION and American Worker survival. Demand NO-MORE-AMNESTIES. They should--GO--home and come through the front door, like millions of honest legal immigrants? Report any irregularities in your workplace to ICE. Be a patriotic American, Whistle-Blower and inform of illegal activity to ICE. Your job--COULD BE NEXT?