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Today at TRNS

White House Correspondent Lovisa Frost will be covering the White House briefing.

The Washinton bureau will also be covering:

- The National Security Advisor to the Vice President Tony Blinken will hold a briefing to discuss Vice President Biden's upcoming trip to Poland, Romania and Czech Republic.

- The Former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin and former Office of Management and Budget Associate Director James Capretta hold a briefing to discuss the consequences of leading health reform proposals.

- Attorney General Eric Holder delivers remarks to the American Academy of Pediatrics on the impact of violence on the nation's youth.

- The Cato Institute holds a forum on "Which Way Forward for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?"

- The Center for American Progress (CAP); and a Woman's Nation hold a conference on "The Shriver Report: A Woman's Nation Changes Everything."

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