How many more trillions of dollars are we going to spend on health care plans?
"I might shop around for the best priced car or television but if I don't find the one I can afford, I'm not going to die. The same cannot be said for health care," said Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Health at the House Committee for Energy and Commerce. With more than $2.1 trillion spent on health care annually, the subcommittee examined new ways to reform health care and explore methods to achieve universal health care for all.
Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), gave examples of different companies in the United States that either do not have health care programs or have programs that are costing them too much. "Last time this committee had met, the spending for health care was at 14 percent, currently it is at 18 percent. With this increase it is no wonder that Starbucks is spending more on their health care plans then they are on coffee."
Senior Fellow of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Elizabeth Edwards, gave her ideas for a new health plan. "Any health care reform has to be and will be two things. First is that it needs to be covered for all and second, it has to focus on cost control. Both need to happen together." Edwards also spoke about the presidential candidates and their health care plans. Edwards said that the one thing she and Sen. John McCain have in common is, "neither one of us would be covered under his health care plan."
"It's sad that in America, a middle class family has trouble taking their child to the doctor for a simple case of acne because of the health insurance they either have or do not have. This is not the America I know and this is not the America I want," research professor Karen Pollitz said.
Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), gave examples of different companies in the United States that either do not have health care programs or have programs that are costing them too much. "Last time this committee had met, the spending for health care was at 14 percent, currently it is at 18 percent. With this increase it is no wonder that Starbucks is spending more on their health care plans then they are on coffee."
Senior Fellow of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Elizabeth Edwards, gave her ideas for a new health plan. "Any health care reform has to be and will be two things. First is that it needs to be covered for all and second, it has to focus on cost control. Both need to happen together." Edwards also spoke about the presidential candidates and their health care plans. Edwards said that the one thing she and Sen. John McCain have in common is, "neither one of us would be covered under his health care plan."
"It's sad that in America, a middle class family has trouble taking their child to the doctor for a simple case of acne because of the health insurance they either have or do not have. This is not the America I know and this is not the America I want," research professor Karen Pollitz said.
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