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McCain undoubtedly stronger on energy

The campaign for Senator John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) presidency held a conference call to discuss McCain’s stance on energy policy compared to Senator Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Doug Holtz-Eakin said McCain understands that anything and everything must be done to end the U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Holtz-Eakin said McCain’s energy plan is comprehensive, including domestic production of oil, more hybrid and electric transportation, and new nuclear power plants. In contrast, he said Obama says no to new exploration, new coal power, new nuclear power, and new explorations of domestic supplies. He said McCain is not afraid to “reach across the aisle” in energy policy, aiming to do whatever he can to provide Americans with more options.

Jerry Hruby, the McCain campaign’s Northeast Ohio chair and the mayor of Brecksville, Ohio, said McCain believes that every energy source needs to be part of the energy solution. Contrastingly, he said Obama seems to have a problem with every energy source. He said Obama is now merely struggling respond to McCain’s consistent leadership on energy issues.

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