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Gov. Kathleen Sebelius announces themes for the DNC

"We have plans not only to include voices from across America, but also people from across America who have never had a chance to participate before", said Kansas Governor, and Democratic Vice Presidential hopeful, Kathleen Sebelius at a conference call discussing the nightly themes for the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. She went on to say, "We felt that the Democratic Convention was a great way to kick off the momentum for change."

Sebelius said that the overall theme for the convention will be "America's Townhall", and that each night would have a theme of its own marked with a keynote speaker. Monday's theme will be "America at a Crossroads", with the speaker being Sen. Barack Obama's wife Michelle. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is scheduled to speak on Tuesday night when the theme will be "Renewing America's Promise", which will deal with economic issues and access to health care. On Wednesday, Sebelius said the theme will center around the contributions of veterans, as well as those currently serving in the US military, with the speaker being Obama's Vice Presidential running mate, who will be selected before the convention. Sebelius also stated that the theme for Wednesday does not necessarily imply that Obama's Vice President will have a substantial background in veterans' affairs, though the selection will definitely be knowledgeable in the area.

When asked if she had been vetted by the Obama campaign for the Vice Presidential slot, Sebelius responded by saying, "I have made it clear since I enthusiastically endorsed Senator Obama that I would be enthusiastic about doing anything I can to help him be elected to the president of the United States [...]". She added that all information about Obama's selection for Vice President would have to be answered by his campaign.

Anita Dunn, Senior Campaign Advisor for Sen. Obama, responded to a question as to whether Elizabth Edwards, the wife of former Sen. John Edwards would be speaking in light of recent news regarding his extramarital affair by saying neither will be attending the convention.

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