Obama said America was always a land of immigrants
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) spoke today at the League of United Latin American Citizens about the changes he would make in his first year as president, calling comprehensive immigration and health care reform his top priorities.
Obama said that the United States cannot afford the Bush economic policies that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will be following, but need to give tax breaks to ordinary working Americans, not outsource American jobs, solve the housing crisis and invest in infrastructure that will create jobs and make the U.S. competitive for the future in a global market.
America doesn’t need a government that will solve all their problems. Obama said that Latinos embody the spirit of the American dream and that America has nothing to fear from new comers because America was always a land of immigrants. Obama stressed the need to treat immigrants and new citizens equally so as not to create "two classes of citizens."
Obama praised Latin Americans for their hard work and desire to live the American dream. He urged Latinos to register to vote and to become active in government at a grassroots level, so that the people will create a comprehensive government that works for all Americans, “a government that represents all not some.” Sen. Obama also spoke on how McCain changed views on immigration reform, creating a comprehensive plan but then failed to vote for it. America needs a president who is not going to walk away from comprehensive reforms if it becomes unpopular, Obama said, and that is his top priority in the first year of his presidency.
Obama said that the United States cannot afford the Bush economic policies that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will be following, but need to give tax breaks to ordinary working Americans, not outsource American jobs, solve the housing crisis and invest in infrastructure that will create jobs and make the U.S. competitive for the future in a global market.
America doesn’t need a government that will solve all their problems. Obama said that Latinos embody the spirit of the American dream and that America has nothing to fear from new comers because America was always a land of immigrants. Obama stressed the need to treat immigrants and new citizens equally so as not to create "two classes of citizens."
Obama praised Latin Americans for their hard work and desire to live the American dream. He urged Latinos to register to vote and to become active in government at a grassroots level, so that the people will create a comprehensive government that works for all Americans, “a government that represents all not some.” Sen. Obama also spoke on how McCain changed views on immigration reform, creating a comprehensive plan but then failed to vote for it. America needs a president who is not going to walk away from comprehensive reforms if it becomes unpopular, Obama said, and that is his top priority in the first year of his presidency.
Health Care,
taxes in
Election '08,

Reader Comments (2)
Trying to placate both sides of the conflagration on immigration, isn't going to work? Senator McCain has fumbled over this growing issue, that is now out-of-control. Neither Obama or McCain are stewards of stopping overpopulation, because after a blanket AMNESTY which both have proposed. Millions more will appear on our doorstep, expecting more of the same. Diversity Alliance for Sustainable America www.earthtimes.org/ have stated in it's article that if the U.S. grants amnesty and gives citizenship to 12 to 30 million illegal migrants, as Senators Obama and McCain propose.All those naturalized citizens could possibly add 120 million U.S. and foreign-born relatives to the U.S., in the next 20 years whom all would CONSUME MAJOR ENERGY.
We all know the consequences of illegal immigration, that has already taken a serious toll on jobs and the quality of life in America. Not enforcing our laws has become an unparalleled financial benefit for predatory businesses, but a growing chaos on the streets and highways, as America tries to cope with the propagation of congestion and pollution. Do not think Canada is exempt from this monolithic issue, as the free movement of cheap labor is the obnoxious agenda of the free trade, open border globalists.
Leading Democrats have refused to sponsor the SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) for enforcement only, All American patriots (no matter their country of origin) should join for free www.numbersusa.com and learn about the facts and the next AMNESTY conflict.
[...] July 8, 2008Source: Talk Radio News Service [...]