Coming down hard on illegal immigrants
A discussion on U.S. immigration was held at the Library of Congress. According to panelists, two thirds of Americans feel that the administration is not doing enough to deal with the approximate 12 million illegal immigrants residing and working in the U.S.
J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said that the large numbers of illegal immigrants act as a burden on institutions such as courts and overtax border police resources. To put the situation into perspective, Bonner claimed that when a single border patrol agent is taken off the line for three hours to carry out arrests, 25 miles of the border are left wide open. Bonner also noted that illegal immigrants tend to flock to areas which offer sanctuary or ignore the immigrant situation completely.
In addition to the rising crime problem attributed to illegal immigrant gang violence in Prince William County, Corey Stewart, president of the its board of advisers in Virginia, cited problems such as overcrowding in school systems and hospital emergency rooms. When asked about the impact of increasing housing costs if the cheap labor population decreased, Representative Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas) pointed out that the increased housing costs would be a ‘one time thing’ but the costs of education and medical assistance would increase ‘in perpetuity’ if the U.S. ignored the illegal immigrant situation.
J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said that the large numbers of illegal immigrants act as a burden on institutions such as courts and overtax border police resources. To put the situation into perspective, Bonner claimed that when a single border patrol agent is taken off the line for three hours to carry out arrests, 25 miles of the border are left wide open. Bonner also noted that illegal immigrants tend to flock to areas which offer sanctuary or ignore the immigrant situation completely.
In addition to the rising crime problem attributed to illegal immigrant gang violence in Prince William County, Corey Stewart, president of the its board of advisers in Virginia, cited problems such as overcrowding in school systems and hospital emergency rooms. When asked about the impact of increasing housing costs if the cheap labor population decreased, Representative Michael C. Burgess (R-Texas) pointed out that the increased housing costs would be a ‘one time thing’ but the costs of education and medical assistance would increase ‘in perpetuity’ if the U.S. ignored the illegal immigrant situation.
illegal immigrants,
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Reader Comments (4)
After careful review, anyone with a even a modicum of logic can come to no other conclusion: illegal immigration must be halted, illegal immigrants here now must be deported and legal immigration needs decreased from the approx. 2 million allowed in per year currently.
Please review the following report on the FISCAL COST OF IMMIGRATION by economist Edwin Rubenstein released in April 2008:
A partial summary of the report:
The impact on 15 Federal Departments surveyed was: $346 billion in fiscal related costs in FY 2007.
Each immigrant cost taxpayers more than $9,000 per year.
An immigrant household (2 adults, 2 children) cost taxpayers $36,000 per year.
Legal immigrants were not separated out from illegal immigrants for the fiscal impact study, but if they had been, the fiscal cost per ILLEGAL immigrant would be even more shocking than the figures quoted above.
The most extensive and authoritative study, prior to economist Edwin Rubenstein's "The Fiscal Impact of Immigration" (April 2008) , is the National Research Council (NRC)’s The New Americans: Economic, Demographic and Fiscal Effects of Immigration (1997).
The NRC staff analyzed federal, state, and local government expenditures on programs such as Medicaid, AFDC (now TANF), and SSI, as well as the cost of educating immigrants’ foreign- and native-born children.
NRC found that the average immigrant household receives $13,326 in federal annual expenditures and pays $10,664 in federal taxes—that is, they generate a fiscal deficit of $2,682 (1996 dollars)per household.
In 2007 dollars this is a deficit of $3,408 per immigrant household.
With 9 million households currently headed by immigrants, more than $30 billion ($3,408 x 9 million) of the federal deficit represents money transferred from native taxpayers to immigrants.
Our national immigration policies have to work for the United States. While improving the plight of the world’s poor is a laudable goal, the finite resources we have available to fulfill that goal would be swamped if there wasn’t some orderly and manageable system in place to limit entry into the United States to what this nation can actually support. The more illegal aliens that are permitted to subvert the immigration system, the fewer immigrants we can accommodate who might actually produce a positive benefit for our country.
The more we become a nation of illegal immigrants, the deeper we fall into anarchy.
The U.S. is the only developed country still experiencing third world-like population growth, most of which is due to immigration. It's absolutely imperative that our population be stabilized, and that's impossible without dramatically reining in immigration, both legal and illegal.
Virtually every industrialized nation, including China, Mexico, and most recently the entire European Union has taken steps to end illegal immigration, and to curtail legal immigration to only that which is prudent, demonstrably necessary, and above all other considerations, in the best interests of their native populations. It's dangerous to suggest that the United States should not do likewise!
The truth is that immigration is the main factor which will cause our nation's population to grow to 430 million by the year 2050. This is equivalent to a near 50% increase in our population in just the next 50 years, according to the Census Bureau.
Today, California alone has a higher growth rate than India. The U.S. as a whole has a higher growth rate than China.
The U.S. is by far the most welcoming country in the world to LEGAL immigrants, with over one million brought in under 9 different visa programs. But immigration spins totally out of control with the additional factor of well over another million ILLEGAL immigrants crashing the border each and every year. An October 2007 study by CAPS states that there are now as many as 38 million ILLEGAL immigrants residing within the U.S. and that number is rapidly rising every day.
Illegal Immigration has caused more problems than anyone could have ever imagined. The cost of this illegal immigration is just breathtaking. When is it all going to end? The U.S. allows 1 million immigrants to enter this Country LEGALLY every year, yet 20 million believe they have the right to ignore our immigration laws, drop their ANCHOR BABIES at the cost to the American taxpayer, school their ANCHORS at taxpayer expense and give the ANCHOR and parents free medical care. How many hospitals on the southern border went bankrupt because of this practice?
Yes, we understand why these ILLEGAL ALIENS come here. But let us ask this question. Is the U.S. responsible for all the poverty on this planet? Why don't these countries take care of their own? Mexico, as I understand it, is the thirteenth richest country, yet they send their people here for us to take care of them. I say, the H__L with that! Why do we have to school their children? Why do we have to give them medical care?...when there are a lot of Americans who can't get medical care unless they pay for it.
The shape of our economy: I can't fully blame this illegal immigration on the shape of our economy, but when BILLIONS of dollars leaves this Country every year, money we will NEVER see again, don't tell me that doesn't have an effect on our economy.
Then we have the un-American businesses hiring these ILLEGAL ALIENS putting an unfair disadvantage to the AMERICAN businesses who obey the law and not hire the ILLEGAL ALIENS.
The problems with this illegal immigration, and there are MANY, will not go away until each and every ILLEGAL ALIENS is out of this Country and back in their own country where they belong. They don't belong here!
You should lear spanish as our governement does not care about you.