McCain has taken his eye off the ball
At the Democratic National Committee today, Congressmen Adam Smith (D-WA) and Chet Edwards (D-Texas) offered a rebuttal to the Republican press conference against presidential hopeful Barack Obama. Smith and Edwards said that like President Bush, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has been inconsistent in his positions and wrong in his judgments on Iraq from the beginning which has harmed America’s security.
Unlike the Bush/McCain view of indefinitely remaining in Iraq, Obama has a reasonable reduction plan for Iraq and has remained consistent on that issue, Smith said. The United States doesn’t need a permanent presence in Iraq, but a responsible leader like Sen. Obama, he said. McCain has taken his eye off the ball in Iraq and is now just following the same policy decisions as President Bush.
Edwards is also against the Bush/McCain policy of maintaining the status quo in Iraq where thousands of American servicemen have lost their lives. In addition to rebutting the Republican press conference, the DNC showed two new pro-Obama videos. One is of McCain echoing the Bush policies over the last seven years and the other is of McCain giving several different numbers about a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq.
Unlike the Bush/McCain view of indefinitely remaining in Iraq, Obama has a reasonable reduction plan for Iraq and has remained consistent on that issue, Smith said. The United States doesn’t need a permanent presence in Iraq, but a responsible leader like Sen. Obama, he said. McCain has taken his eye off the ball in Iraq and is now just following the same policy decisions as President Bush.
Edwards is also against the Bush/McCain policy of maintaining the status quo in Iraq where thousands of American servicemen have lost their lives. In addition to rebutting the Republican press conference, the DNC showed two new pro-Obama videos. One is of McCain echoing the Bush policies over the last seven years and the other is of McCain giving several different numbers about a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq.
Barack Obama,
john mccain in

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