Rice praises United States interactions with the Americas
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke today at the Council of the Americas meeting. As she looked back over the years of the Bush Administration, Rice spoke very highly of the United States and its actions with the other American nations on this hemisphere.
In 2001, the western hemisphere went through a social revolution and its cause was democracy, Rice said. New leaders have emerged in different countries, people are becoming activity in their democracies and they want their governments to create change for them in a positive way.
“Democracy is literally changing the face of politics in the Americas,” Rice said.
The United States has been changing as well. They have become better partners for this region, the United States’ and other states quest for social justice has been the defining feature of this past decade. The U.S. has put no price on it’s friendships but has accepted governments both right and left.
President Bush has made more trips to the Americas since 2001 than any other president. Through those visits the U.S. has developed connections between culture and commerce that have spanned and influenced all of society, Rice said.
“The democracies of the Americas are now interacting and working together as never before,” Rice said. “We are engaged in the global economy with increasing success.”
There has been a convergence of ideals and interests from social justice to an open economy, free trade, health and education for every member of society. Rice said the potential for this hemisphere is enormous and that the United States must remain engaged and really present in order to be a part of the hemisphere’s success.
In 2001, the western hemisphere went through a social revolution and its cause was democracy, Rice said. New leaders have emerged in different countries, people are becoming activity in their democracies and they want their governments to create change for them in a positive way.
“Democracy is literally changing the face of politics in the Americas,” Rice said.
The United States has been changing as well. They have become better partners for this region, the United States’ and other states quest for social justice has been the defining feature of this past decade. The U.S. has put no price on it’s friendships but has accepted governments both right and left.
President Bush has made more trips to the Americas since 2001 than any other president. Through those visits the U.S. has developed connections between culture and commerce that have spanned and influenced all of society, Rice said.
“The democracies of the Americas are now interacting and working together as never before,” Rice said. “We are engaged in the global economy with increasing success.”
There has been a convergence of ideals and interests from social justice to an open economy, free trade, health and education for every member of society. Rice said the potential for this hemisphere is enormous and that the United States must remain engaged and really present in order to be a part of the hemisphere’s success.
Bush Adminstration,
Free Trade,
Latin America,
rice in

Reader Comments (1)
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke today at the Council of the Americas meeting. our plan to change America from a republic to a Democracy is going according to plan we will soon merge with mexico and canada to from a au in north america we must only wait until the dollar drops low enough that it is has the same value a the Mexican Paso .Rice is a war criminal