Medicare putting seniors at risk; leaving them vulnerable/
This morning there was a full committee hearing on Medicare improvements titled "Seniors at Risk: Improving Medicare for Our Most Vulnerable," focusing on Medicare Part D's Low Income Subsidy. Ranking Member Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) and others were on hand to hear testimony.
After a brief introduction of the Medicare program and part D's low income subsidy, testimony was heard from multiple people including representatives from the AARP, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, and SHIBA, The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance.
Perhaps the most interesting testimony came from Judy Korynasz, a beneficiary witness and caregiver for her mother whom does not qualify for low income subsidy due to personal assets. Mrs. Korynasz has medicare along with her husband, in addition to her mother Charlotte Wachdorf, as noted above. Mrs. Wachdorf has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, chronic anemia, and many other illnesses. She has to take many medications, use a walker, and is restricted to using oxygen. Unfortunately, paying for this health care uses a significant amount of her money, even with the help of Medicare. Due to the confusing wording of the program, some seniors are being confused as to which program is the best for them. In the meantime, seniors are paying outrageous costs for health care, which is a clear indication that the program needs to strengthen. Though the program has helped some, it could help more.
After a brief introduction of the Medicare program and part D's low income subsidy, testimony was heard from multiple people including representatives from the AARP, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, and SHIBA, The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance.
Perhaps the most interesting testimony came from Judy Korynasz, a beneficiary witness and caregiver for her mother whom does not qualify for low income subsidy due to personal assets. Mrs. Korynasz has medicare along with her husband, in addition to her mother Charlotte Wachdorf, as noted above. Mrs. Wachdorf has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, chronic anemia, and many other illnesses. She has to take many medications, use a walker, and is restricted to using oxygen. Unfortunately, paying for this health care uses a significant amount of her money, even with the help of Medicare. Due to the confusing wording of the program, some seniors are being confused as to which program is the best for them. In the meantime, seniors are paying outrageous costs for health care, which is a clear indication that the program needs to strengthen. Though the program has helped some, it could help more.
Health Care,
seniors in

Reader Comments (1)
Sir and Madam from Congress today I ready show how my Focus
Ihope every one to take Focus and learn Protect country you alway
hear from Military Die from Iraq at this time please Focus see
Iuse the Tool
with all my respect all my Brothers and all my sisters show The Nation show Congress how much use the Tool
If you are Focus take care recovery lost all Medical and pay check all years from EDD
The you will see I use the tool safe all my family Military if not I stand front Congress then kill me
Some Items we need asap then dont even look and Focus God please lookdown oepn eyes from Congress