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Brownback, others condemn China human rights violations at Olympic protest

A passionate news conference to condemn human rights abuses by China only 99 days before they host the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing was held today., The news conference included speeches by prominent senators such as Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Sam Brownback (R-KS), and human rights activists from organizations including and Amnesty International.

The crowd, activists, and each of the speakers was incredibly passionate about protesting the United States’ involvement in the Olympic games. The press conference’s attendees called for President Bush to not attend the opening ceremonies, and described the Chinese as oppressive people, who violate human rights and are the biggest supporters of the genocidal Sudanese government in the world.

Menendez said that since the Chinese received the honor of hosting the games they have continuously “abused the basic human rights of their people.” Congessman Frank Wolf (R-PA) focused on the relationship the Chinese have with other oppressive nations, such as Korea, mentioning that China is actively engaged in espionage efforts against our nation.

Speakers described the painful lengths the Chinese take to enforce strict religious policies that limit what religion their people can legally worship. Congressman Chris Smith (R- NJ) called the attacks the Chinese have held against pregnant females, in which they force them into terrible abortions, “gender-cide.”

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