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Today at Talk Radio News Service

Today at the Talk Radio News Service Chief Pentagon Correspondent Meredith MacKenzie is traveling with the Secretary of Defense to Mexico. White House Correspondent Lovisa Frost will cover the President’s press conference this morning.

The Washington Bureau is covering the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on "Oversight on EPA Toxic Chemical Policies" and the House (Select) Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee hearing on "Rising Tides, Rising Temperatures: Global Warming's Impacts on the Oceans." They will also cover The National Academy of Sciences convocation on the 2005 report "Rising Above the Gathering Storm," the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) event to launch a campaign that promotes an anti-trafficking hot line for prevention and victim protection with participant Ricky Martin, and the rally to call for immediate legislative action on the "Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act."

The Washington Bureau will also be covering conference calls discussing John McCain's remarks on health care and a conference call with Sen. Max Cleland and House Speaker Jeff Merkley to address plans to end the war in Iraq and to ensure veterans have quality health care and access to higher education or job training.

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